Without a Guru, follow alternative methods for Mantra Sadhana initiation and spiritual growth.
Mantra initiation should come from a Guru. The scriptures on Mantras elaborate on the qualifications of a Guru. They specify who can be a Guru and who alone can be a Guru. They also detail the qualifications of a disciple (Shishya).
A Guru should test the Shishya before giving the mantra's initiation (Upadesha). The Shishya should thoroughly investigate the background, qualifications, and quality of the Guru. Otherwise, all efforts could be wasted. A Guru should have attained mantra siddhi.
But where can one find such a Guru? It is very difficult to find such a Guru today. What we often see are mantra initiations given in spiritual resorts, Sri Vidya initiations given in five-star hotels, or mass initiations given to ten thousand or even one hundred thousand people. Nevertheless, it’s better than nothing, as it at least raises awareness about these practices.
Mantra Shastra offers a solution if you cannot find a proper Guru. You have access to resources on how to perform mantra samskara, how to activate the mantra, and how to practice sadhana. You have acquired authentic knowledge from various sources.
If the only missing factor is a Guru—a Siddha Guru—you can consider this alternative:
गुरॊरभावे मन्त्राणां ग्रहणक्रम उच्यते
कृष्णपक्षे त्रयोदश्यां दक्षिणामूर्तिसन्निधौ
लिखित्वा राजते पत्रे तालपत्रेऽथवा पुनः
मन्त्रन्तु स्थण्डिले स्थाप्य पूजयित्वा महेश्वरम्
पायसादिनिवेद्यं च कृत्वा तं प्रणिपत्य च
शतकृत्वः पठॆन्मन्त्रं दक्षिणामूर्तिसन्निधौ
सर्वेषां च मन्त्राणां एवं ग्रहणमिष्यते
Once again, let me emphasize, don’t pick up any mantra and perform this method. This is only a method for receiving a mantra initiation (Mantra Grahana). When you do not have a direct Guru (Pratyaksha Guru), you can take it from Dakshinamurthy, the aspect of the Guru who is the Jagatguru, the epitome of all knowledge.
To do this, you should be well-versed in all techniques related to mantra sadhana. This is not for beginners. This is for someone who already knows all the involved techniques.
For instance, if someone is already practicing under an able Guru and the Guru passes away, and they wish to start sadhana of a new mantra, they can use this method. Or if you are thoroughly experienced in sadhana, or have someone who can teach you all the techniques but cannot give you initiation for some reason, you can proceed with this.
In the absence of a Guru:
On the Trayodashi of Krishna Paksha, go to a Dakshinamurthy temple. Write down the mantra you intend to chant on a silver foil or palm leaf, place it in front of the deity on a properly made platform, worship Maheshwara Dakshinamurthy, offer him naivedya such as Payasa. Then, take the leaf with the mantra written on it in your hand as if you have received it from the Jagatguru himself, and chant the mantra one hundred times in front of him. This constitutes mantra initiation.
There is a second similar method:
At the northern bank of any holy river flowing towards the ocean, on an auspicious day, make a proper platform at a clean place. Write down the mantra on a palm leaf, and place it on the platform. By platform, it means a slightly elevated place, perhaps a layer of bricks, apply cow dung on top of it, and create a rangoli of an eight-petaled lotus or a swastika on top of it. This is the platform or sthandila on which you have to place the leaf. Then, on that sthandila, invoke Surya Bhagawan and worship him properly. Then take the leaf in your hand as if you have received the initiation from Surya Bhagawan himself and chant the mantra 108 times. This is mantra initiation or mantra grahana.
नद्यास्तु सिन्धुगामिन्यास्तीरे चॊत्तरसंस्थिते
स्थण्डिलं कारयेत्तत्र शुचौ देशे शुभे दिने
ताळपत्रे लिखित्वा तु मंत्रं तत्र निधाय च
आवाह्य भास्करं तत्र यथाविधि सुपूजयेत्
तत्सन्निधावष्टशतं पठेद्देशिकतो यथा
एवं गृहीत मतिमानपूर्वॊयं विधिः स्मृतः
The term 'Deshika' here means Guru (देशिकतो यथाः), as if you have received it from a Guru.
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