Who is Alakshmi or Jyeshta Lakshmi?
मां प्रणम्य पुनर्देवा ममन्थुः क्षीरसागरम्।
तस्मिन् प्रमथ्यमाने तु मया देवैश्च भाविनि!॥
ज्येष्ठा देवी समुत्पन्ना रक्तस्रग्वाससावृता।
उत्पन्ना साब्रवीद्देवान् किं कर्त्तव्यं मयेति वै॥
Mahadeva narrated to Parvati Devi about the churning of the Milky Ocean (Samudra Manthana). As the churning progressed, various beings and objects emerged. One of them was Alakshmi or Jyeshta Lakshmi.
She is called Jyeshta because she appeared before Lakshmi during the churning. Thus, she is considered elder to Lakshmi—hence the name Jyeshta Lakshmi.
She appeared wearing red garments and adorned with a red garland. She asked the Devas, 'What am I to do?'
तामब्रुवंस्तदा देवीं सर्व्वे देवगणा भृशम्।
येषां गृहान्तरे नित्यं कलहं संप्रवर्त्तते॥
तत्ते स्थानं प्रयच्छामो वासस्तत्र शुभानने!॥
यस्य गेहे कपालास्थिभस्मकेशादिचिह्नितम्।
परुषं भाषते नित्यं वदन्त्यनृतवादिनः।
सन्ध्याकाले च ये पापाः स्वपन्ति मलचेतसः।
तेषां वेश्मनि संतिष्ठ दुःखदारिद्र्यदायिनी॥
The Devas replied, 'Your duty is to cause Daridrya (poverty) and miseries (दुःखदारिद्र्यदायिनी). Reside in the following places:
कपालकेशभस्मास्थितुषाङ्गाराणि यत्र तु।
तत्र ते सततं स्थानं भविष्यति न संशयः।
अकृत्वा पादयोः शौचं यस्त्वाचामति दुर्म्मतिः।
तं भजस्व सदा देवि! कलुषेणावृता भृशम्।
दन्तधावनकर्त्तारो भविष्यन्ति नराधमाः।
रमस्व कलिना देवि! तेषां वेश्मसु नित्यशः।
'Also reside in homes where:
Enjoy the company of such people and remain in their homes perpetually.'
तिलपिष्ठञ्च नक्तञ्च कालिङ्गशिग्रुगृञ्जनम्।
छत्राकं विड्वराहञ्च विल्वकोषातकीफलम्।
अलावुश्रीफलं ये वै खादयन्ति नराधमाः।
तेषां गृहे तव स्थानं देवि! दारिद्र्यदे! सदा॥
The Dharma Shastras list other acts that attract Alakshmi. She occupies the homes of those engaged in such prohibited actions.
इत्यादिश्य सुराः सर्व्वे ते ज्येष्ठां कलिवल्लभाम्।
पुनश्च मन्थनं चक्रुः क्षीराब्धिं सुसमाहिताः॥
After assigning her duties, the Devas resumed the churning of the ocean with utmost focus.
नारायणं जपेन्नित्यं प्रणम्य पुरुषोत्तमम्।
स्वपन्नारायणं देवं गच्छन्नारायणं तथा।
Chant the name of Narayana constantly. While sleeping, walking, or engaging in any activity, keep repeating his name.
भुञ्जन्नारायणं विप्रास्तिष्ठन्जाग्रत्सनातनम्।
उन्मिषन्निमिषन्वाऽपि नमो नारायणेति वै।
While eating, standing, awake, or even while blinking, chant his name:
'नमो नारायण.'
भोज्यं पेयं च लेह्यं च नमो नारायणेति यः।
अभिमन्त्र्य स्पृशन् भुंक्ते स याति परमां गतिं।
Before eating or drinking, touch the food and chant Namo Narayana. This simple act is sufficient to attain Parama Gati (supreme liberation).
सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तः प्राप्नोति परमां गतिम्।
अलक्ष्मीश्च मया प्रोक्ता पत्नी या दुस्सहस्य च।
नारायणपदं ध्यात्वा नश्यत्येव न संशयः।
By constantly meditating on Narayana's name, one is freed from all sins, and Alakshmi is destroyed. There is no doubt about this.
This is the method: remember him always and chant his name constantly. Alakshmi will never affect you.
त्वां वृणे – 'I accept you as my mother, my protector, and my goddess.'
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