Prayer for Teachers

Prayer for Teachers

Dear [say name of your favorite god/goddess here],


Bless me with good health and energy.

Grant me patience and tolerance while dealing with students.

Help me guide my students in the right direction.

May I receive love and respect from my students.

Let me build good relationships with colleagues and gain their support.

Help me work with dedication and enthusiasm.

Bless all the students I teach with success.

May I receive good behavior and respect from parents.

Grant me support from higher authorities and recognition for my abilities.

Bless me with timely promotions and salary increments.

Allow me to gain more knowledge and use it effectively.

Help me face and overcome difficult situations.

Let me understand students' academic and emotional problems and support them.

Grant me recognition and honor for my work.

Bless me and my family with health, wealth, and peace.


Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.



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