Ardhanariswara Meditation

Discover the power of Ardhanariswara meditation, a practice that combines the energies of Shiva and Shakti to achieve balance and harmony within.




Rishis could curse even the Devas

You must be familiar with the story of Ahalya. Ahalya was the wife of Sage Gowthama. Indra was interested in Ahalya even before her marriage to the Sage. Once, when the Sage was away, Indra came to the Ashrama disguised as the Sage himself and this ended up in their physical union. Gowthama came back and saw them together. He told Ahalya that she would become invisible. She would observe tapas staying without food till the time Lord Rama gave her back her form. This was to purify herself. The Sage cursed Indra severely - 1 Indra developed 1000 vaginas all over his body which later Durga Devi turned into 1000 eyes. 2. Due to Gowthama's curse, Indra's testicles fell to the ground and he became impotent. 3. The invincible Indra suffered defeat several times. 4. Indra had to suffer the consequences of half of the sins committed by humans on earth.

How was Sage Parashara born?

Parashara's father was Shakti and his mother was Adrishyanti. Shakti was Vasishta's son. In the ongoing tussle between Vasishta and Viswamitra, once Viswamitra made a king called Kalmashapada possessed with a demon. Then Kalmashapada devoured all the hundred sons of Vasishta including Shakti. At that time Adrishyanti was already pregnant. She delivered Parashara at the ashram of Vasishta.


Who is Vrikodara ?
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