Lord Ganesha's Glory: Stotras from Mudgala Purana

Lord Ganesha's Glory: Stotras from Mudgala Purana

Have you ever thought that Lord Ganesha should be prayed to only for the removal of obstacles? Today, we will explore the praises sung by the nine mind-born sons of Brahma and Swayambhuva Manu to Lord Ganesha as narrated in the Mudgala Purana. These stotras reveal Ganesha’s greatness, his divine attributes, and his immense power to bless and transform the lives of his devotees.

The nine sons of Brahma, after they were born with the purpose of creating the world, did not know how to create the world. For a thousand divine years, they focused their minds on Lord Ganesha. Every day, they worshiped him with the ekakshara mantra, subsisting only on air. Their penance was severe, their dedication unwavering.

They understood that true devotion and sacrifice can invoke the divine's blessings. They were determined to seek the grace of Lord Ganesha, known for his compassion and power to remove obstacles.

Pleased with their devotion, Lord Ganesha appeared before them. He rode his mouse, shining with a brilliance like countless suns. You can imagine their joy! They bowed with folded hands, their hearts filled with reverence.

They praised Ganesha acknowledging his divine qualities:

नमस्ते विघ्ननाथाय नमस्ते सर्वसाक्षिणे। सर्वात्मने स्वसंवेद्यरूपिणे ते नमो नमः॥ We bow to the Lord of obstacles, we bow to the all-seeing witness. To the soul of all beings, who is self-aware, we bow again and again.

योगाय जगतां पात्रे ब्रह्मदात्रे नमो नमः। योगिनां गम्यरूपाय शान्तियोगप्रदाय ते॥ We bow to the embodiment of yoga, the protector of the world, the bestower of knowledge. To the one who is attainable by yogis, the giver of peaceful yoga, we bow to you.

स्रष्ट्रे पात्रे च संहर्त्रे नानारूपधराय ते। अव्यक्ताय व्यक्तकाय व्यक्ताव्यक्ताय ते नमः॥ We bow to the creator, the protector, and the destroyer, who takes on various forms. To the unmanifest, the manifest, and the one who is both manifest and unmanifest, we bow to you.

ब्रह्मणे विष्णवे चैव शङ्कराय च भानवे। शक्तये चन्द्ररूपाय यमाय च नमो नमः॥ We bow to Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the sun. To the energy, the moon form, and to Yama, we bow again and again. Meaning they are all manifestations of Lord Ganesha.

अग्नये नैरृतायैव वारुणाय च वायवे। कुबेराय च रुद्राय शेषाय च नमो नमः॥ We bow to Agni, Nirriti, Varuna, and Vayu. To Kubera, Rudra, and Shesha, we bow to you. They are all your own manifestations.

ग्रहनक्षत्ररूपाय सिद्धसाध्यमयाय च। पशवे नररूपाय वृक्षाकाराय ते नमः॥ We bow to the one who is in the form of planets and stars, who is the essence of accomplished beings. To the one who takes the form of animals, humans, and trees, we bow to you.

पर्वताय समुद्राय नदीनदसुरूपिणे। दैत्याय दैत्यनाथाय राक्षसाय नमो नमः॥ We bow to the one who is the mountains, the oceans, and the rivers. To the one who is the form of demons, the lord of demons, and the Rakshasas, we bow again and again.

अन्नाय फलरूपाय रसरूपाय ते नमः। पञ्चभूतमयायैव सर्वाकाराय ते नमः॥ We bow to the one who is in the form of food, fruits, and essence. To the one who is made of the five elements and has all forms, we bow to you.

चिद्रूपाय च बोधाय विदेहाय नमो नमः। असत्याय च सत्याय समरूपाय साधये॥ We bow to the consciousness, the knowledge, and the one without a body. To the false and the true, the one who is equanimous, we bow to you.

स्वानन्दाय ह्ययोगाय योगाय गणधारिणे। गणेशाय नमस्तुभ्यं सर्वशान्तिप्रदाय च॥ We bow to the one who is self-blissful, non-yogic, yogic, and the leader of Ganas. Ganesha, we bow to you, the giver of all peace.

चिन्तामणिं त्वां कः स्तोतुं समर्थः स्यात्प्रकाशकम्। चित्तस्य चित्तवृत्तीनामतस्त्वां प्रणमामहे॥ Who can be capable of praising you, the Chintamani (wish-fulfilling gem), the illuminator of the mind and its functions? We bow to you.

Pleased with their devotion, Ganesha granted them a boon, promising that anyone who reads or listens to this praise with devotion would attain all their desires and liberation. He further assured that the hymn they composed would be revered and bestow various blessings like progeny, wealth, and liberation.

The story of Swayambhuva Manu and his wife further illustrates the power of devotion. They performed severe penance to please Lord Ganesha for a thousand divine years. Their dedication was unwavering, their hearts filled with faith.

Lord Ganesha, pleased with their devotion, appeared before them. Manu praised Ganesha, recognizing his divine attributes. He requested unwavering devotion, the power to create and protect, and the fulfillment of all desires.

Manu’s praises were profound:

नमस्ते गजवक्त्राय हेरम्बाय नमो नमः। ओङ्काराकृतिरूपाय सगुणाय नमो नमः॥ We bow to you, Gajavaktra, and to Heramba, we bow again and again. We bow to you, who is in the form of the sacred syllable Om, who possesses all qualities.

नैर्गुण्ये गजरूपाय सदा ब्रह्मसुखात्मने। गणेशाय सदा भक्तपोषकाय नमो नमः॥ We bow to you, who is beyond all qualities and has the form of an elephant, who is always the essence of bliss. We bow to you, Ganesha, who always nurtures his devotees.

नरकुञ्जररूपाय योगाभेदाय ते नमः। चतुर्बाहुधरायैव पुरुषार्थप्रसिद्धये॥ We bow to you, who has the form of a combination of human and elephant, who is the union of yoga. We bow to you, who holds four arms, to achieve the objectives of life.

नानाभोगधरायैवानन्तलीलास्वरूपिणे। विघ्नराजाय देवाय भक्तविघ्नविदारिणे॥ We bow to you, who bears various enjoyments and whose form is of endless play. To the king of obstacles, the God who removes the obstacles of devotees, we bow to you.

सत्यासत्यमयायैवाव्यक्तभेदात्मने नमः। स्वानन्दपतये तुभ्यं सदा स्वानन्ददायिने॥ We bow to you, who is the essence of truth and untruth, who is the soul beyond distinction. To the lord of self-bliss, who always bestows self-bliss, we bow to you.

नमस्ते मूषकारूढसर्वान्तरसुभोगिने। नानामृतसमुद्रे च क्रीडाकर नमोऽस्तु ते॥ We bow to you, who rides on a mouse and enjoys all internal pleasures. We bow to you, who plays in the ocean of various nectars.

सिद्धिबुद्धिपते तुभ्यं द्वेधामायाप्रसारिणे। भक्तेभ्यो योगदात्रे च योगाकाराय ते नमः॥ We bow to you, the husband of Siddhi and Buddhi, who spreads dual illusions. We bow to you, who grants yoga to devotees and embodies yoga.

वेदोपनिषदां लभ्यमहावाक्यमयाय ते। ब्रह्मभूताय वै तुभ्यं नमस्ते ब्रह्मराशये॥ We bow to you, who is obtained through the Vedas and Upanishads and embodies the Mahavakya. We bow to you, who is the essence of Brahman and the treasury of Brahman.

किं स्तौमि त्वां गणाधीश यत्र वेदाश्च विस्मिताः। योगिनः शेषमुख्या वै शङ्कराद्या महेश्वराः॥ What praise can we offer you, O lord of Ganas, about whom even the Vedas are astonished? Even the great yogis like Adisheesha and the supreme lords like Shankara are astonished.

तथापि तव जातेन दर्शनेन गजानन। स्फूर्तिः प्राप्ता तया नाथ संस्तुतोऽसि मया प्रभो॥ Yet, by having your vision, O Gajanana, an inspiration has arisen. Because of which I have praised you.

अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यं येन दृष्टो गजाननः। वेदान्तागोचरो गम्यो धन्योऽहं जगतीतले॥ Oh, what great fortune, what great fortune, by which we have seen you today. Unreachable by the Vedanta and attainable, I am blessed on this earth.

धन्यो मे जनको देव तपो ज्ञानं कुलं प्रभो। विद्या व्रतादिकं सर्वं धन्यं ते पाददर्शनात्॥ Blessed is my father who has given birth to me, O lord, blessed is the penance, knowledge, and family. Blessed is all the education, vows, all that I have ever done by the sight of your feet.

Manu then asked for unwavering devotion to Ganesha, power to create and protect, and the fulfillment of all desires. Lord Ganesha granted these wishes and then disappeared.

This stotra can give you the power to manifest whatever you want.

The full script of these stotras is given below. You can use it to obtain Lord Ganesha's blessings.

These stotras teach us to trust in the divine attributes of Ganesha. We learn to recognize his role not just as the remover of obstacles, but as Paramatma, and the provider of peace and liberation.

Benefits of Reciting These Stotras

How can these stotras help us? By reciting these hymns, we invite Ganesha’s blessings into our lives. We gain strength to face challenges, clarity in our paths, and peace in our hearts.

Let us draw inspiration from these stotras. Recite these hymns with a pure heart, inviting Ganesha’s blessings into your life.

Stotra by Brahma's Sons

नमस्ते विघ्ननाथाय नमस्ते सर्वसाक्षिणे। सर्वात्मने स्वसंवेद्यरूपिणे ते नमो नमः॥
योगाय जगतां पात्रे ब्रह्मदात्रे नमो नमः। योगिनां गम्यरूपाय शान्तियोगप्रदाय ते॥
स्रष्ट्रे पात्रे च संहर्त्रे नानारूपधराय ते। अव्यक्ताय व्यक्तकाय व्यक्ताव्यक्ताय ते नमः॥
ब्रह्मणे विष्णवे चैव शङ्कराय च भानवे। शक्तये चन्द्ररूपाय यमाय च नमो नमः॥
अग्नये नैरृतायैव वारुणाय च वायवे। कुबेराय च रुद्राय शेषाय च नमो नमः॥
ग्रहनक्षत्ररूपाय सिद्धसाध्यमयाय च। पशवे नररूपाय वृक्षाकाराय ते नमः॥
पर्वताय समुद्राय नदीनदसुरूपिणे। दैत्याय दैत्यनाथाय राक्षसाय नमो नमः॥
अन्नाय फलरूपाय रसरूपाय ते नमः। पञ्चभूतमयायैव सर्वाकाराय ते नमः॥
चिद्रूपाय च बोधाय विदेहाय नमो नमः। असत्याय च सत्याय समरूपाय साधये॥
स्वानन्दाय ह्ययोगाय योगाय गणधारिणे। गणेशाय नमस्तुभ्यं सर्वशान्तिप्रदाय च॥
चिन्तामणिं त्वां कः स्तोतुं समर्थः स्यात्प्रकाशकम्। चित्तस्य चित्तवृत्तीनामतस्त्वां प्रणमामहे॥

Stotra by Swayambhva Manu

नमस्ते गजवक्त्राय हेरम्बाय नमो नमः। ओङ्काराकृतिरूपाय सगुणाय नमो नमः॥
नैर्गुण्ये गजरूपाय सदा ब्रह्मसुखात्मने। गणेशाय सदा भक्तपोषकाय नमो नमः॥
नरकुञ्जररूपाय योगाभेदाय ते नमः। चतुर्बाहुधरायैव पुरुषार्थप्रसिद्धये॥
नानाभोगधरायैवानन्तलीलास्वरूपिणे। विघ्नराजाय देवाय भक्तविघ्नविदारिणे॥
सत्यासत्यमयायैवाव्यक्तभेदात्मने नमः। स्वानन्दपतये तुभ्यं सदा स्वानन्ददायिने॥
नमस्ते मूषकारूढसर्वान्तरसुभोगिने। नानामृतसमुद्रे च क्रीडाकर नमोऽस्तु ते॥
सिद्धिबुद्धिपते तुभ्यं द्वेधामायाप्रसारिणे। भक्तेभ्यो योगदात्रे च योगाकाराय ते नमः॥
वेदोपनिषदां लभ्यमहावाक्यमयाय ते। ब्रह्मभूताय वै तुभ्यं नमस्ते ब्रह्मराशये॥
किं स्तौमि त्वां गणाधीश यत्र वेदाश्च विस्मिताः। योगिनः शेषमुख्या वै शङ्कराद्या महेश्वराः॥
तथापि तव जातेन दर्शनेन गजानन। स्फूर्तिः प्राप्ता तया नाथ संस्तुतोऽसि मया प्रभो॥
अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यं येन दृष्टो गजाननः। वेदान्तागोचरो गम्यो धन्योऽहं जगतीतले॥
धन्यो मे जनको देव तपो ज्ञानं कुलं प्रभो। विद्या व्रतादिकं सर्वं धन्यं ते पाददर्शनात्॥




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