Hayagriva Ashtottara Shatanamavali


ॐ हयग्रीवाय नमः। महाविष्णवे नमः।ॐ केशवाय नमः।ॐ मधुसूदनाय नमः।ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः।ॐ पुण्डरीकाक्षाय नमः।ॐ विष्णवे नमः।ॐ विश्वंभराय नमः।ॐ हरये नमः।ॐ आदित्याय नमः।ॐ सर्ववागीशाय नमः।ॐ सर्वाधाराय नमः।ॐ सनातनाय नमः।ॐ निराधाराय नमः।ॐ निराकाराय नमः।ॐ निरीशाय नमः।ॐ निरुपद्रवाय नमः।ॐ निरञ्जनाय नमः।ॐ निष्कलङ्काय नमः।ॐ नित्यतृप्ताय नमः।ॐ निरामयाय नमः।ॐ चिदानन्दमयाय नमः।ॐ साक्षिणे नमः।ॐ शरण्याय नमः।ॐ शुभदायकाय नमः।ॐ श्रीमते नमः।ॐ लोकत्रयाधीशाय नमः।ॐ शिवाय नमः।ॐ सरस्वतीप्रदाय नमः।ॐ वेदोद्धर्त्रे नमः।ॐ वेदनिधये नमः।ॐ वेदवेद्याय नमः।ॐ पुरातनाय नमः।ॐ पूर्णाय नमः।ॐ पूरयित्रे नमः।ॐ पुण्याय नमः।ॐ पुण्यकीर्तये नमः।ॐ परात्पराय नमः।ॐ परमात्मने नमः।ॐ परस्मै ज्योतिषे नमः।ॐ परेशाय नमः।ॐ पारगाय नमः।ॐ पराय नमः।ॐ सकलोपनिषद्वेद्याय नमः।ॐ निष्कलाय नमः।ॐ सर्वशास्त्रकृते नमः।ॐ अक्षमालाज्ञानमुद्रायुक्तहस्ताय नमः।ॐ वरप्रदाय नमः।ॐ पुराणपुरुषाय नमः।ॐ श्रेष्ठाय नमः।ॐ शरण्याय नमः।ॐ परमेश्वराय नमः।ॐ शान्ताय नमः।ॐ दान्ताय नमः।ॐ जितक्रोधाय नमः।ॐ जितामित्राय नमः।ॐ जगन्मयाय नमः।ॐ जरामृत्युहराय नमः।ॐ जीवाय नमः।ॐ जयदाय नमः।ॐ जाड्यनाशनाय नमः।ॐ जपप्रियाय नमः।ॐ जपस्तुत्याय नमः।ॐ जपकृते नमः।ॐ प्रियकृते नमः।ॐ विभवे नमः।ॐ विमलाय नमः।ॐ विश्वरूपाय नमः।ॐ विश्वगोप्त्रे नमः।ॐ विधिस्तुताय नमः।ॐ विधिविष्णुशिवस्तुत्याय नमः।ॐ शान्तिदाय नमः।ॐ शान्तिकारकाय नमः।ॐ श्रेयःप्रदाय नमः।ॐ श्रुतिमयाय नमः।ॐ श्रेयसां पतये नमः।ॐ ईश्वराय नमः।ॐ अच्युताय नमः।ॐ अनन्तरूपाय नमः।ॐ प्राणदाय नमः।ॐ पृथिवीपतये नमः।ॐ अव्यक्तव्यक्तरूपाय नमः।ॐ सर्वसाक्षिणे नमः।ॐ तमोऽपघ्ने नमः।ॐ अज्ञाननाशकाय नमः।ॐ ज्ञानिने नमः।ॐ पूर्णचन्द्रसमप्रभाय नमः।ॐ ज्ञानदाय नमः।ॐ वाक्पतये नमः।ॐ योगिने नमः।ॐ योगीशाय नमः।ॐ सर्वकामदाय नमः।ॐ योगारूढाय नमः।ॐ महापुण्याय नमः।ॐ पुण्यकीर्तये नमः।ॐ अमित्रघ्ने नमः।ॐ विश्वसाक्षिणे नमः।ॐ चिदाकाराय नमः।ॐ परमानन्दकारकाय नमः।ॐ महायोगिने नमः।ॐ महामौनिने नमः।ॐ मुनीशाय नमः।ॐ श्रेयसां निधये नमः।ॐ हंसाय नमः।ॐ परमहंसाय नमः।ॐ विश्वगोप्त्रे नमः।ॐ विराजे नमः।ॐ स्वराजे नमः।ॐ शुद्धस्फटिकसङ्काशाय नमः।ॐ जटामण्डलसंयुताय नमः।ॐ आदिमध्यान्त्यरहिताय नमः।ॐ सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वराय नमः।ॐ प्रणवोद्गीथरूपाय नमः।ॐ वेदाहरणकर्मकृते नमः।

om hayagreevaaya namah'.
om mahaavishnave namah'.
om keshavaaya namah'.
om madhusoodanaaya namah'.
om govindaaya namah'.
om pund'areekaakshaaya namah'.
om vishnave namah'.
om vishvambharaaya namah'.
om haraye namah'.
om aadityaaya namah'.
om sarvavaageeshaaya namah'.
om sarvaadhaaraaya namah'.
om sanaatanaaya namah'.
om niraadhaaraaya namah'.
om niraakaaraaya namah'.
om nireeshaaya namah'.
om nirupadravaaya namah'.
om niranjanaaya namah'.
om nishkalankaaya namah'.
om nityatri'ptaaya namah'.
om niraamayaaya namah'.
om chidaanandamayaaya namah'.
om saakshine namah'.
om sharanyaaya namah'.
om shubhadaayakaaya namah'.
om shreemate namah'.
om lokatrayaadheeshaaya namah'.
om shivaaya namah'.
om sarasvateepradaaya namah'.
om vedoddhartre namah'.
om vedanidhaye namah'.
om vedavedyaaya namah'.
om puraatanaaya namah'.
om poornaaya namah'.
om poorayitre namah'.
om punyaaya namah'.
om punyakeertaye namah'.
om paraatparaaya namah'.
om paramaatmane namah'.
om parasmai jyotishe namah'.
om pareshaaya namah'.
om paaragaaya namah'.
om paraaya namah'.
om sakalopanishadvedyaaya namah'.
om nishkalaaya namah'.
om sarvashaastrakri'te namah'.
om akshamaalaajnyaanamudraayuktahastaaya namah'.
om varapradaaya namah'.
om puraanapurushaaya namah'.
om shresht'haaya namah'.
om sharanyaaya namah'.
om parameshvaraaya namah'.
om shaantaaya namah'.
om daantaaya namah'.
om jitakrodhaaya namah'.
om jitaamitraaya namah'.
om jaganmayaaya namah'.
om jaraamri'tyuharaaya namah'.
om jeevaaya namah'.
om jayadaaya namah'.
om jaad'yanaashanaaya namah'.
om japapriyaaya namah'.
om japastutyaaya namah'.
om japakri'te namah'.
om priyakri'te namah'.
om vibhave namah'.
om vimalaaya namah'.
om vishvaroopaaya namah'.
om vishvagoptre namah'.
om vidhistutaaya namah'.
om vidhivishnushivastutyaaya namah'.
om shaantidaaya namah'.
om shaantikaarakaaya namah'.
om shreyah'pradaaya namah'.
om shrutimayaaya namah'.
om shreyasaam pataye namah'.
om eeshvaraaya namah'.
om achyutaaya namah'.
om anantaroopaaya namah'.
om praanadaaya namah'.
om pri'thiveepataye namah'.
om avyaktavyaktaroopaaya namah'.
om sarvasaakshine namah'.
om tamo'paghne namah'.
om ajnyaananaashakaaya namah'.
om jnyaanine namah'.
om poornachandrasamaprabhaaya namah'.
om jnyaanadaaya namah'.
om vaakpataye namah'.
om yogine namah'.
om yogeeshaaya namah'.
om sarvakaamadaaya namah'.
om yogaarood'haaya namah'.
om mahaapunyaaya namah'.
om punyakeertaye namah'.
om amitraghne namah'.
om vishvasaakshine namah'.
om chidaakaaraaya namah'.
om paramaanandakaarakaaya namah'.
om mahaayogine namah'.
om mahaamaunine namah'.
om muneeshaaya namah'.
om shreyasaam nidhaye namah'.
om hamsaaya namah'.
om paramahamsaaya namah'.
om vishvagoptre namah'.
om viraaje namah'.
om svaraaje namah'.
om shuddhasphat'ikasankaashaaya namah'.
om jat'aamand'alasamyutaaya namah'.
om aadimadhyaantyarahitaaya namah'.
om sarvavaageeshvareshvaraaya namah'.
om pranavodgeetharoopaaya namah'.
om vedaaharanakarmakri'te namah'.


1. ॐ हयग्रीवाय नमः – Salutations to Hayagriva, the horse-headed God.
2. ॐ महाविष्णवे नमः – Salutations to the great Vishnu.
3. ॐ केशवाय नमः – Salutations to Keshava, the one with beautiful hair.
4. ॐ मधुसूदनाय नमः – Salutations to Madhusudana, the destroyer of the demon Madhu.
5. ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः – Salutations to Govinda, the protector of cows and the earth.
6. ॐ पुण्डरीकाक्षाय नमः – Salutations to Pundarikaksha, the lotus-eyed one.
7. ॐ विष्णवे नमः – Salutations to Vishnu, the all-pervading one.
8. ॐ विश्वंभराय नमः – Salutations to Vishvambhara, the sustainer of the universe.
9. ॐ हरये नमः – Salutations to Hari, the remover of sins.
10. ॐ आदित्याय नमः – Salutations to Aditya, the son of Aditi.
11. ॐ सर्ववागीशाय नमः – Salutations to the lord of all speech and knowledge.
12. ॐ सर्वाधाराय नमः – Salutations to the one who is the foundation of everything.
13. ॐ सनातनाय नमः – Salutations to the eternal one.
14. ॐ निराधाराय नमः – Salutations to the one without dependence.
15. ॐ निराकाराय नमः – Salutations to the formless one.
16. ॐ निरीशाय नमः – Salutations to the one without a superior.
17. ॐ निरुपद्रवाय नमः – Salutations to the one who is free from calamities.
18. ॐ निरञ्जनाय नमः – Salutations to the blemishless one.
19. ॐ निष्कलङ्काय नमः – Salutations to the pure one.
20. ॐ नित्यतृप्ताय नमः – Salutations to the ever-happy one.
21. ॐ निरामयाय नमः – Salutations to the one free from disease.
22. ॐ चिदानन्दमयाय नमः – Salutations to the one full of consciousness and bliss.
23. ॐ साक्षिणे नमः – Salutations to the witness of everything.
24. ॐ शरण्याय नमः – Salutations to the refuge of all.
25. ॐ शुभदायकाय नमः – Salutations to the giver of auspiciousness.
26. ॐ श्रीमते नमः – Salutations to the one full of wealth and majesty.
27. ॐ लोकत्रयाधीशाय नमः – Salutations to the lord of the three worlds.
28. ॐ शिवाय नमः – Salutations to the auspicious one.
29. ॐ सरस्वतीप्रदाय नमः – Salutations to the giver of wisdom.
30. ॐ वेदोद्धर्त्रे नमः – Salutations to the one who rescues and upholds the Vedas.
31. ॐ वेदनिधये नमः – Salutations to the one who is the treasure of the Vedas.
32. ॐ वेदवेद्याय नमः – Salutations to the one who is known through the Vedas.
33. ॐ पुरातनाय नमः – Salutations to the ancient one.
34. ॐ पूर्णाय नमः – Salutations to the complete one.
35. ॐ पूरयित्रे नमः – Salutations to the one who fulfills all.
36. ॐ पुण्याय नमः – Salutations to the embodiment of virtue.
37. ॐ पुण्यकीर्तये नमः – Salutations to the one of virtuous fame.
38. ॐ परात्पराय नमः – Salutations to the one who is supreme among the supreme.
39. ॐ परमात्मने नमः – Salutations to the supreme soul.
40. ॐ परस्मै ज्योतिषे नमः – Salutations to the supreme light.
41. ॐ परेशाय नमः – Salutations to the supreme lord.
42. ॐ पारगाय नमः – Salutations to the one who leads beyond all.
43. ॐ पराय नमः – Salutations to the supreme.
44. ॐ सकलोपनिषद्वेद्याय नमः – Salutations to the one known through all Upanishads.
45. ॐ निष्कलाय नमः – Salutations to the indivisible one.
46. ॐ सर्वशास्त्रकृते नमः – Salutations to the creator of all scriptures.
47. ॐ अक्षमालाज्ञानमुद्रायुक्तहस्ताय नमः – Salutations to the one with 'Aksha-mala' and gesture of 'jnana-mudra' in hand.
48. ॐ वरप्रदाय नमः – Salutations to the giver of boons.
49. ॐ पुराणपुरुषाय नमः – Salutations to the ancient supreme being.
50. ॐ श्रेष्ठाय नमः – Salutations to the best one.
51. ॐ शरण्याय नमः – Salutations to the refuge of all.
52. ॐ परमेश्वराय नमः – Salutations to the supreme lord.
53. ॐ शान्ताय नमः – Salutations to the peaceful one.
54. ॐ दान्ताय नमः – Salutations to the one who has control over the senses.
55. ॐ जितक्रोधाय नमः – Salutations to the one who has conquered anger.
56. ॐ जितामित्राय नमः – Salutations to the one who has conquered enemies.
57. ॐ जगन्मयाय नमः – Salutations to the one who pervades the universe.
58. ॐ जरामृत्युहराय नमः – Salutations to the one who removes old age and death.
59. ॐ जीवाय नमः – Salutations to the one who gives life.
60. ॐ जयदाय नमः – Salutations to the giver of victory.
61. ॐ जाड्यनाशनाय नमः – Salutations to the destroyer of ignorance.
62. ॐ जपप्रियाय नमः – Salutations to the one who loves chanting of mantras.
63. ॐ जपस्तुत्याय नमः – Salutations to the one praised by japa.
64. ॐ जपकृते नमः – Salutations to the creator of japa.
65. ॐ प्रियकृते नमः – Salutations to the one who creates love.
66. ॐ विभवे नमः – Salutations to the lord of wealth.
67. ॐ विमलाय नमः – Salutations to the pure one.
68. ॐ विश्वरूपाय नमः – Salutations to the one whose form is the universe.
69. ॐ विश्वगोप्त्रे नमः – Salutations to the protector of the universe.
70. ॐ विधिस्तुताय नमः – Salutations to the one praised by Brahma.
71. ॐ विधिविष्णुशिवस्तुत्याय नमः – Salutations to the one praised by Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
72. ॐ शान्तिदाय नमः – Salutations to the giver of peace.
73. ॐ शान्तिकारकाय नमः – Salutations to the one who causes peace.
74. ॐ श्रेयःप्रदाय नमः – Salutations to the one who grants prosperity.
75. ॐ श्रुतिमयाय नमः – Salutations to the one who is the embodiment of the Vedas.
76. ॐ श्रेयसां पतये नमः – Salutations to the lord of prosperity.
77. ॐ ईश्वराय नमः – Salutations to the supreme ruler.
78. ॐ अच्युताय नमः – Salutations to the one who never falls.
79. ॐ अनन्तरूपाय नमः – Salutations to the one with infinite forms.
80. ॐ प्राणदाय नमः – Salutations to the one who gives life force.
81. ॐ पृथिवीपतये नमः – Salutations to the lord of the earth.
82. ॐ अव्यक्तव्यक्तरूपाय नमः – Salutations to the one with both unmanifested and manifested forms.
83. ॐ सर्वसाक्षिणे नमः – Salutations to the witness of all.
84. ॐ तमोऽपघ्ने नमः – Salutations to the remover of darkness.
85. ॐ अज्ञाननाशकाय नमः – Salutations to the destroyer of ignorance.
86. ॐ ज्ञानिने नमः – Salutations to the knower.
87. ॐ पूर्णचन्द्रसमप्रभाय नमः – Salutations to the one as bright as the full moon.
88. ॐ ज्ञानदाय नमः – Salutations to the giver of knowledge.
89. ॐ वाक्पतये नमः – Salutations to the lord of speech.
90. ॐ योगिने नमः – Salutations to the yogi.
91. ॐ योगीशाय नमः – Salutations to the lord of yogis.
92. ॐ सर्वकामदाय नमः – Salutations to the giver of all desires.
93. ॐ योगारूढाय नमः – Salutations to the one established in yoga.
94. ॐ महापुण्याय नमः – Salutations to the one of great virtue.
95. ॐ पुण्यकीर्तये नमः – Salutations to the one of virtuous fame.
96. ॐ अमित्रघ्ने नमः – Salutations to the destroyer of enemies.
97. ॐ विश्वसाक्षिणे नमः – Salutations to the witness of the universe.
98. ॐ चिदाकाराय नमः – Salutations to the one whose form is pure consciousness.
99. ॐ परमानन्दकारकाय नमः – Salutations to the one who brings supreme bliss.
100. ॐ महायोगिने नमः – Salutations to the great yogi.
101. ॐ महामौनिने नमः – Salutations to the one of great silence.
102. ॐ मुनीशाय नमः – Salutations to the lord of sages.
103. ॐ श्रेयसां निधये नमः – Salutations to the treasure of prosperity.
104. ॐ हंसाय नमः – Salutations to the swan (symbol of wisdom).
105. ॐ परमहंसाय नमः – Salutations to the supreme swan (the highest state of wisdom).
106. ॐ विश्वगोप्त्रे नमः – Salutations to the protector of the universe.
107. ॐ विराजे नमः – Salutations to the glorious one.
108. ॐ स्वराजे नमः – Salutations to the self-sovereign.
109. ॐ शुद्धस्फटिकसङ्काशाय नमः – Salutations to the one who is pure and radiant like crystal.
110. ॐ जटामण्डलसंयुताय नमः – Salutations to the one adorned with 'jataa'.
111. ॐ आदिमध्यान्त्यरहिताय नमः – Salutations to the one without beginning, middle, or end.
112. ॐ सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वराय नमः – Salutations to the lord of all lords of speech.
113. ॐ प्रणवोद्गीथरूपाय नमः – Salutations to the one who is the form of Om and the sound of the Vedas.
114. ॐ वेदाहरणकर्मकृते नमः – Salutations to the one who performs the work of preserving the Vedas.

Ramaswamy Sastry and Vighnesh Ghanapaathi

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