Extra Boon From Yamaraja To Nachiketas

Yamaraja was so impressed that he gave Nachiketas boons more than what he asked for. Listen to the audio above.

Extra Boon From Yamaraja To Nachiketas

Nachiketas has already asked 2 out of the 3 boons that Yamaraja had offered to give him.

What are they?

First - when he goes back to earth, his relationship with his father should be normal.

Second - he wanted Yamaraja to teach him about Swargya Agni, the Agni which enables man to reach Swarga.

Now, before the third boon, Yamaraja is so excited with the eagerness and sharpness of Nachiketas that he wants to give something extra.

तमब्रवीत् प्रीयमाणो महात्मा वरं तवेहाद्य ददामि भूयः । तवैव नाम्ना भविताऽयमग्निः सृङ्कां चेमामनेकरूपां गृहाण ॥

This is the 16th mantra of the Prathama Valli, 1st adhyaya.


“The Swargya Agni which I taught you about will be known hereafter in your name, Nachiketagni (नाचिकेताग्नि).”


In the previous episode, we saw about the 25 levels above us.

They are called the Aharganas.

By performing yajnas you can rise up through these levels.

Only if you go beyond the 25th, you get moksha.

Every other level, you will have to take rebirth.

Among the 25, there are 3 thresholds: 17, 21, and 25.

They are major milestones in the spiritual elevation of the yajamana.

The details of this, we have seen in the previous episode.

You can refer to that.

Now, Yamaraja says, “these three thresholds also I am going to name after you; collectively they will be known hereafter as Trinachiketa (त्रिणाचिकेत).”

“And you also take this versatile toy.”

Now, Yamaraja is a Mahatma, he is not a Kshudratma.

What is the difference between Mahatma and Kshudratma?

Big heart and small heart.

Yamaraja has a big heart.

He didn’t feel jealous when he saw the brilliance of the intellect of Nachiketas.

He was impressed and gave more boons, on his own.

A Kshudratma would never do that.

A Kshudratma would think that this one is going to be a competitor for me.

Somehow, put him down, don’t allow him to grow.

What does the Upanishad teach us here?

If you want to elevate yourself spiritually and become a Mahatma, then learn to appreciate the qualities in others.

When you see good qualities in others, think that they are not different from you.

आत्मैवेदं सर्वम् - this whole world is you yourself.

There is no other person.

It’s like public transport.

It belongs to everyone.

It benefits everyone.

If someone is a Mahatma, it benefits everyone.

If someone is a Kshudratma, it affects everyone.

So nothing is in isolation.

Everything is interlinked.

That’s why it is said - the whole world is you yourself, आत्मैवेदं सर्वम्।

Yamaraja is in that position of the Super Judge because he is a Mahatma.

He would never make a mistake in his judgment.

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