Why King Pandu Wanted Children Despite Renouncing the World

Why King Pandu Wanted Children Despite Renouncing the World

Following the curse, setting a goal on a higher purpose, Pandu chose to leave his throne and live in the forest. He renounced worldly pleasures. He lived a simple life in the forest with his wives.

In the quiet forest, Pandu thought deeply. He remembered the four debts of man. These debts are to the gods, sages, ancestors, and society. He had honored the gods through worship. He had repaid the sages by learning and propagating shastras. He had served society as a king. But one debt remained unpaid. He  had not repaid his debt to his ancestors. This debt required him to have children. Without children, his family line would end. Ancestors depend on their descendants for food and water.

Pandu feared the consequences. He worried he would be denied entry into Swarga.. He felt a deep sense of duty. He wanted to honor his ancestors.

He shared his concerns with the rishis in the forest. The rishis were wise sages. They listened to him. They understood his dilemma.

The rishis encouraged him. They said, ‘We have seen through divine vision that you will have children who are wise, beautiful, and godlike. Fulfill what has been destined for you. A wise and virtuous man always gains results through his efforts. The fruit of your actions is clear - strive for it. By having children with all these qualities, you will find true happiness.’

Their words gave Pandu hope. He felt reassured. The rishis told him that having children was part of his duty and destiny. They said his children would be exceptional. This encouraged him to fulfill his duty.

Pandu decided to follow their advice. He sought a way to have children without breaking his vows. 

Pandu's desire for children was rooted in responsibility. He wanted to repay his debt to his ancestors. He aimed to fulfill all his obligations.

His actions teach us about duty and honor. Even in renunciation, he did not forget his responsibilities. He balanced his personal choices with his duties.

By having children, Pandu ensured the continuation of his family line. This would bring him peace. He could rest knowing he had honored his commitments.

Pandu's story reminds us of the importance of fulfilling our duties. It shows that we can live simply and still honor our obligations. His life is a lesson in duty and responsibility.




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