

Excellent explanation with a divine voice -K S Suresh

You guys are doing great work for the revival of hinduism by supporting vedic gurukuls 🙏 -Abhinav Reddy

❤️ this website❤️❤️ -Prema Menon

Praying for Health wealth and peace -Bhavesh Mahendra Dave

Guruji's explanations are invaluable. This site is not getting the attention it deserves.❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Neha

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What does Ganesha mean?

In Sanskrit, Gana (गणः) means group and Isha (ईशः) means the Lord. Ganesha means the Lord of groups. In Vedic philosophy, everything exists in groups. For example: 11 Rudras, 12 Adityas, 7 seas, 5 sensory organs, 4 Vedas, 14 worlds, etc. Ganesha is the ruler of all such groups which means that he is the Lord of everything.

Poigai Azhwar and Yathothkari Temple

Poigai Azhwar was born in a lotus in the tank of Yathothkari Perumal temple.


During the royal wedding of Shiva - Parvathy, all Devas, Yakshas, Gandharvas etc assembled at the Himalayas. Who was sent down south to counterbalance the weight upon earth which started tilting?
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