ब्रह्मरन्ध्रसरसीरुहोदरे नित्यलग्नमवदातमद्भुतम्।
कुण्डलीविवरकाण्डमण्डितं द्वादशार्णसरसीरुहं भजे ॥
In the center of the thousand-petaled lotus in the Brahmarandhra, I meditate on the twelve-petaled lotus which is ever-pure and wondrous. This lotus is adorned by the path of Kundalini.
तस्य कन्दलितकर्णिकापुटे क्लृप्तरेखमकथादिरेखया।
कोणलक्षितहलक्षमण्डलीं भावलक्ष्यमबलालयं भजे ॥
In the core of that lotus, the unspoken mark (Ajna Chakra) shines, surrounded by the brilliant rays of the Kundalini’s energy. I worship this subtle point of awareness, which is the target of deep meditation and is housed within the heart.
तत्पुटे पटुतडित्कडारिमस्पर्द्धमानमणिपाटलप्रभम्।
चिन्तयामि हृदि चिन्मयं वपुर्नादबिन्दुमणिपीठमुज्ज्वलम् ॥
Within the lotus, a shining red like lightning or a jewel's radiance emerges. I meditate on this brilliant form in my heart, contemplating the luminous Nāda (sound) and Bindu (point), which are seated on the throne of consciousness.
ऊर्ध्वमस्य हुतभुक्शिखात्रयं तद्विलासपरिबृंहणास्पदम्।
विश्वघस्मरमहोच्चिदोत्कटं व्यामृशामि युगमादिहंसयोः ॥
Above this point, the three flames (representing knowledge, wisdom, and dispassion) grow, expanding in their radiance. I contemplate the pair of swans (symbolizing the breath and the soul), which travel this cosmic path, consuming the limitations of the world.
नाथचरणारविन्दयोः कुङ्कुमासवपरीमरन्दयोः।
तत्र द्वन्द्वबिन्दुमकरन्दशीतलं मानसं स्मरति मङ्गलास्पदम्॥
The divine feet of the Guru, soaked with the essence of sacred kumkum, radiate coolness like the essence of the nectar. I meditate on this auspicious source of inner peace and mental tranquility.
निषक्तमणिपादुका नियमितौघकोलाहलम्।
स्फुरत्किसलयारुणं नखसमुल्लसच्चन्द्रकम्।
परामृत-सरोवरोदित-सरोजसद्रोचिषम् भजामि शिरसि स्थितं गुरुपदारविन्दद्वयम्।
I bow to the divine Padukas of the Guru, which quiet the clamor of the senses and shine with the brilliance of jewels. The Guru's feet, radiating like blooming lotuses in the lake of divine nectar, are placed reverently upon my head.
Worshiping the Padukas (sandals) of the Guru holds deep spiritual significance in our traditions. The Padukas symbolize the presence and grace of the Guru, and through this act of worship, a disciple seeks to connect with the Guru's divine wisdom, guidance, and blessings. Here are some key reasons for the significance:
In essence, the Padukas are a powerful symbol of devotion, humility, and the disciple's connection to the Guru's wisdom and divine energy.
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