Human Existence and its Connection to the Cosmos

Human Existence and its Connection to the Cosmos

This article outlines a philosophical framework of our spiritual tradition that describes the hierarchical structure of existence, both within the human being and the cosmos. 

Six Divisions in the Spiritual System

  1. शरीर (Sharira) - Body: This is the physical form, the tangible aspect of existence.
  2. प्राणात्मा (Pranatma) - Vital Soul: Represents the life force or energy (prana) that animates the body.
  3. प्रज्ञानात्मा (Prajnanatma) - Conscious Soul: Denotes consciousness or the mind that perceives and processes sensory information.
  4. विज्ञानात्मा (Vijnanatma) - Intellectual Soul: Refers to higher intellect or wisdom that discerns and understands deeper truths.
  5. महानात्मा (Mahanatma) - Great Soul: A more expansive level of consciousness connected to the universal or cosmic mind.
  6. शान्तात्मा (Shantatma) - Peaceful or Unmanifest Soul: The soul in its purest, most serene state, beyond physical manifestation.

Foundations Based on the Body

On the basis of the physical body, four key aspects are established:

  1. इन्द्रियप्राण (Indriyaprana) - Life Force of the Senses: The energy that powers the sensory organs.
  2. वाक् (Vak) - Speech: The faculty of expression and communication.
  3. इन्द्रिय-मन अधिष्ठाता (Indriya-Mana Adhishtata) - Governor of the Sensory Mind: The aspect of mind that oversees and regulates sensory perceptions.
  4. प्राणात्मा (Pranatma) - Vital Soul (also termed कर्मात्मा - Karmatma or भोक्तात्मा - Bhoktatma): The doer and experiencer within us, responsible for actions (karma) and experiences (bhoga).

These four collectively form the 'पार्थिव-प्रपञ्च' (Parthiva-Prapancha), meaning the Earthly Manifestation or the material aspect of existence.

Cosmic Hierarchy Beyond the Earthly Plane

  1. चन्द्रमा (Chandrama) - The Moon: Positioned above the Earth, the Moon symbolizes the mind and emotions. From it evolves the प्रज्ञानात्मा (Prajnanatma), associated with various states of consciousness:
    • सर्वेन्द्रिय (Sarvendriya): All-encompassing senses.
    • अनिन्द्रिय (Anindriya): Beyond the ordinary senses.
    • अतीन्द्रिय (Atindriya): Transcending sensory experiences.
  2. सूर्य (Surya) - The Sun: Above the Moon, the Sun represents the source of intellect and enlightenment. The विज्ञानात्मा (Vijnanatma) arises here, characterized by:
    • ज्ञान (Jnana): Knowledge or wisdom.
    • बुद्धि (Buddhi): Intellect or the discriminative faculty.
  3. परमेष्ठी (Paramesthi) - The Supreme Being: Situated above the Sun, Paramesthi embodies the highest cosmic principle. Its aspect is the महानात्मा (Mahanatma), the Great Soul connected to universal consciousness.
  4. स्वयम्भू (Svayambhu) - The Self-Existent: Beyond Paramesthi, Svayambhu signifies the self-originated, the ultimate source. Its aspect is the शान्तात्मा (Shantatma) or अव्यक्तात्मा (Avyaktatma), the Unmanifest Soul that is beyond physical and cosmic manifestation.

The Ultimate Reality

  • अव्यक्त (Avyakta) - The Unmanifest: This realm is beyond all physical and cosmic layers described above.
  • षोडशी पुरुष (Shodashi Purusha) - The Sixteenth Purusha: Transcending the unmanifested, this represents the ultimate person or consciousness, the lord of the five natural souls (पञ्च-प्राकृतात्मा).
  • आत्म-विवर्त्त (Atma-Vivarta) - Evolution of the Soul: This term refers to the unfolding or transformation of the soul through various stages, culminating in the realization of the Shodashi Purusha.


The passage describes a journey of the soul from the physical plane to the highest spiritual reality:

  • Earthly Level: Involves the body and basic life forces that govern physical existence and sensory experiences.
  • Cosmic Mind: The Moon symbolizes the mind and the development of higher consciousness beyond ordinary senses.
  • Intellectual Enlightenment: The Sun represents the awakening of intellect and wisdom.
  • Universal Consciousness: Paramesthi and Mahanatma denote the connection with the universal or cosmic mind.
  • Ultimate Source: Svayambhu and Shantatma signify the return to the pure, unmanifested state of the soul.
  • Final Realization: The Shodashi Purusha is the culmination of the soul's evolution, representing unity with the ultimate reality beyond all manifestations.

Conceptual Significance

  • Hierarchical Structure: This is a layered approach to understanding the self and the universe, emphasizing the progression from the tangible to the intangible.
  • Integration of Microcosm and Macrocosm: There's a parallel between the individual (microcosm) and the cosmos (macrocosm); understanding oneself leads to understanding the universe.
  • Spiritual Evolution: The soul undergoes a transformative journey, shedding layers of physical and mental constructs to realize its true nature.
  • Unity with the Absolute: The ultimate goal is to transcend all dualities and merge with the absolute consciousness, achieving spiritual liberation.

Practical Implications

  • Self-Realization: Encourages introspection and contemplation to understand the different layers of one's existence.
  • Transcendence: Suggests that by moving beyond sensory experiences and intellectual knowledge, one can access higher states of consciousness.
  • Holistic Development: Emphasizes the development of all aspects of being - physical, vital, mental, intellectual, and spiritual - for overall well-being.

This philosophical framework provides a comprehensive view of human existence and its connection to the cosmos. It serves as a guide for spiritual seekers aiming to understand the nature of reality and the journey of the soul towards ultimate enlightenment.




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