Ganesha Pancharatnam Meaning

Ganesha Pancharatnam Meaning

Stanza 1

मुदाकरात्तमोदकं सदाविमुक्तिसाधकं
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोकरक्षकम् ।
अनायकैकनायकं विनाशितेभदैत्यकं
नताशुभाशुनाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम् ॥ १॥

Combined Meaning
I bow to that Vinayaka (Ganesha), who holds a modaka (sweet) in his hand, always accomplishing liberation, adorned with the crescent moon, protecting the playful world. The leader without a superior, destroyer of the elephant-demon, destroyer of the troubles of the bowing ones, I bow to that Vinayaka.

Word-by-Word Meaning
मुदाकरात्तमोदकं (mudakaratta-modakam) holding a modaka (sweet), सदा (sada) always, विमुक्ति (vimukti) liberation, साधकं (sadhakam) accomplishing, कलाधर (kaladhara) crescent moon, अवतंसकं (avatamsakam) adorned with, विलासि (vilasi) playful, लोक (loka) world, रक्षकम् (rakshakam) protector, अनायक (anayaka) without a superior, एक (eka) one, नायकं (nayakam) leader, विनाशित (vinashita) destroyer, इभ (ibha) elephant, दैत्यकं (daityakam) demon, नत (nata) bowing, अशुभ (ashubha) troubles, आशु (ashu) quickly, नाशकं (nashakam) destroyer, नमामि (namami) I bow, तं (tam) to that, विनायकम् (vinayakam) Vinayaka (Ganesha).

Stanza 2

नतेतरातिभीकरं नवोदितार्कभास्वरं
नमत्सुरारिनिर्जरं नताधिकापदुद्धरम् ।
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महेश्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम् ॥ २॥

Combined Meaning
I seek refuge in that supreme, continuous lord, terrifying to the opponents of the devotees, resplendent like the newly risen sun, the remover of the difficulties of those who bow, the destroyer of the enemies of the gods, the lord of the gods, the lord of wealth, the lord of elephants, the lord of the Ganas (followers of Shiva), the great lord, I seek refuge in that highest and eternal one.

Word-by-Word Meaning
नतेतर (natetara) to the opponents of the devotees, अतिभीकरं (atibhikaram) terrifying, नवोदित (navodita) newly risen, अर्क (arka) sun, भास्वरं (bhasvaram) resplendent, नमत्सु (namatsu) to those who bow, अरि (ari) enemies, निर्जरं (nirjaram) destroyer, नताधिक (nata-adhika) to those who bow, आपद (apad) difficulties, उद्धरं (uddharam) remover, सुरेश्वरं (sureshvaram) lord of the gods, निधीश्वरं (nidishvaram) lord of wealth, गजेश्वरं (gajeshvaram) lord of elephants, गणेश्वरं (ganeshvaram) lord of the Ganas (followers of Shiva), महेश्वरं (maheshvaram) great lord, तमाश्रये (tam ashraye) I seek refuge in that, परात्परं (parat-param) highest, निरन्तरम् (nirantaram) continuous, eternal.

Stanza 3

समस्तलोकशङ्करं निरस्तदैत्यकुञ्जरं
दरेतरोदरं वरं वरेभवक्त्रमक्षरम् ।
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं
मनस्करं नमस्कृतां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम् ॥ ३॥

Combined Meaning
I bow to that resplendent one, who is the benefactor of all worlds, who destroyed the demon elephant, who has a large belly, who is best, who has the face of an elephant, and is imperishable. Who is the bestower of compassion, forgiveness, joy, and fame, who is the bestower of intellect to those who bow, I bow to that resplendent one.

Word-by-Word Meaning
समस्त (samasta) all, लोक (loka) worlds, शङ्करं (shankaram) benefactor, निरस्त (nirasta) destroyed, दैत्य (daitya) demon, कुञ्जरं (kunjaram) elephant, दर (dara) large, इतरोदरं (itarodaram) belly, वरं (varam) best, वरेभ (varebha) elephant, वक्त्रं (vaktram) face, अक्षरं (aksharam) imperishable, कृपाकरं (kripakaram) bestower of compassion, क्षमाकरं (kshamakaram) bestower of forgiveness, मुदाकरं (mudakaram) bestower of joy, यशस्करं (yashaskaram) bestower of fame, मनस्करं (manaskaram) bestower of intellect, नमस्कृतां (namaskritam) to those who bow, नमस्करोमि (namaskaromi) I bow, भास्वरम् (bhasvaram) resplendent.

Stanza 4

अकिञ्चनार्तिमार्जनं चिरन्तनोक्तिभाजनं
पुरारिपूर्वनन्दनं सुरारिगर्वचर्वणम् ।
प्रपञ्चनाशभीषणं धनञ्जयादिभूषणं
कपोलदानवारणं भजे पुराणवारणम् ॥ ४॥

Combined Meaning
I worship the ancient elephant-faced one, the remover of the distress of the poor, the recipient of ancient praises, the beloved son of the enemy of Tripura (Shiva), the destroyer of the pride of the enemies of the gods. The terrifying destroyer of the universe, adorned by Arjuna and others, who removes the pride of those who bow, I worship the ancient elephant-faced one.

Word-by-Word Meaning
अकिञ्चन (akinchana) poor, आर्ति (arti) distress, मार्जनं (marjanam) remover, चिरन्तन (chiranthana) ancient, उक्ति (ukti) praises, भाजनं (bhajanam) recipient, पुरारि (purari) enemy of Tripura (Shiva), पूर्व (purva) beloved, नन्दनं (nandana) son, सुर (sura) gods, अरि (ari) enemies, गर्व (garva) pride, चर्वणम् (charvanam) destroyer, प्रपञ्च (prapancha) universe, नाश (nasha) destroyer, भीषणं (bhishanam) terrifying, धनञ्जय (dhananjaya) Arjuna, आदि (adi) and others, भूषणं (bhushanam) adorned, कपोल (kapola) pride, दान (dana) removal, वारणं (varanam) remover, भजे (bhaje) I worship, पुराण (purana) ancient, वारणम् (varanam) elephant-faced one.

Stanza 5

अचिन्त्यरूपमन्तहीनमन्तरायकृन्तनम् ।
हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनां
तमेकदन्तमेव तं विचिन्तयामि सन्ततम् ॥ ५॥

Combined Meaning
I constantly meditate on that Ekadanta (one-tusked) Ganesha, who is extremely beautiful with his tusk, the son of the slayer of Yama (Shiva), whose form is beyond thought, endless, and who cuts through obstacles. Who resides eternally in the hearts of the yogis, I constantly meditate on that Ekadanta.

Word-by-Word Meaning
नितान्त (nitanta) extremely, कान्त (kanta) beautiful, दन्त (danta) tusk, कान्ति (kanti) splendor, मन्त (manta) possessing, कान्तक (kantaka) slayer, आत्मजं (atmajam) son, अचिन्त्य (achintya) beyond thought, रूपं (rupam) form, अन्त (anta) end, हीनं (hinam) without, अन्तराय (antaraya) obstacles, कृन्तनं (krintanam) cutting, हृद (hrid) heart, अन्तरे (antare) within, निरन्तरं (nirantaram) eternal, वसन्तं (vasantam) residing, एव (eva) indeed, योगिनां (yoginam) of the yogis, तमेकदन्त (tam ekadanta) that one-tusked, एव (eva) indeed, तं (tam) that, विचिन्तयामि (vichintayami) I meditate, सन्ततम् (santatam) constantly.

Stanza 6

महागणेशपञ्चरत्नमादरेण योऽन्वहं
प्रजल्पति प्रभातके हृदि स्मरन् गणेश्वरम् ।
अरोगतामदोषतां सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रतां
समाहितायुरष्टभूतिमभ्युपैति सोऽचिरात् ॥ ६॥

Combined Meaning
Whoever recites this Mahaganesha Pancharatna (five jewels of Ganesha) hymn with reverence every day at dawn, remembering Ganesha in their heart, will attain health, faultlessness, prosperity, good children, long life, and the eight kinds of wealth soon.

Word-by-Word Meaning
महागणेश (maha-ganesha) great Ganesha, पञ्चरत्नं (pancharatnam) five jewels (hymn), आदरेण (adaren) with reverence, यः (yah) whoever, अन्वहं (anvaham) every day, प्रजल्पति (prajalpati) recites, प्रभातके (prabhatake) at dawn, हृदि (hridi) in the heart, स्मरन् (smaran) remembering, गणेश्वरम् (ganeshvaram) Ganesha, अरोगताम् (arogatam) health, अदोषताम् (adoshatam) faultlessness, सुसाहितीं (susahitīm) prosperity, सुपुत्रतां (suputratam) good children, समाहितायु: (samahita ayu) long life, अष्टभूतिम् (ashta bhutim) eight kinds of wealth, अभ्युपैति (abhyupaiti) attains, सः (sah) that person, अचिरात् (achirat) soon.

Lord Ganesha's qualities seen in this Stotra

Beloved and Delightful (मुदाकरात्तमोदकं):

In the story of the birth of Ganesha, Parvati creates him from the sandalwood paste she uses for bathing and breathes life into him. Ganesha is adored by his mother and quickly becomes beloved by all deities. The modaka, a sweet, is often seen as his favorite offering, symbolizing the joy and delight he brings.

Adorned with the Crescent Moon (कलाधरावतंसकं):

Ganesha is often depicted with the crescent moon on his forehead, similar to his father, Shiva. This is prominently seen in the story where Ganesha breaks his tusk to write the Mahabharata as Vyasa dictates, and he is honored with the crescent moon as a symbol of his wisdom and divine nature.

Protector and Leader (विलासिलोकरक्षकम्):

In the scriptures, Ganesha is the leader of the Ganas, Shiva's attendants. His role as their commander (गणाध्यक्ष) signifies his leadership and protective qualities. He ensures the safety and order of Shiva's followers.

Terrifying to Enemies (नतेतरातिभीकरं):

In the story of the demon Gajasura, Ganesha battles and defeats the powerful demon who had terrorized the gods. Ganesha's victory over Gajasura highlights his fearsome aspect to those who oppose the divine order.

Destroyer of Obstacles (महाविघ्नहरं):

One of the most well-known stories is when Ganesha is appointed as the remover of obstacles by Shiva. He helps the gods by clearing the path for their endeavors, including the famous incident where he ensures the smooth completion of the marriage of Shiva and Parvati by removing obstacles.

Compassionate and Forgiving (कृपाकरं, क्षमाकरं):

Ganesha is known for his mercy and forgiveness. In the story of the moon (Chandra), who laughed at Ganesha's appearance, Ganesha curses him to wane, but later forgives and modifies the curse to allow the moon to wax and wane, showing his compassionate nature.

Adorned and Honored (मधुमधुरे):

During the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, Ganesha is adorned with various decorations and offered sweets like modakas. This festival, which celebrates his birthday, involves elaborate rituals and honors, reflecting his beloved status among devotees.

Warrior and Protector (रणदुर्मदशत्रुवधोदितदुर्धरनिर्जरशक्तिभृते):

Ganesha’s battle with the demon army in the story of the demon brothers, Shumbha and Nishumbha, where he aids the goddess Durga, showcases his valor and warrior skills.

Source of Wisdom and Prosperity (सुसाहितीं):

Ganesha is invoked at the beginning of any venture or ceremony to ensure success and wisdom. His role in the writing of the Mahabharata, where he transcribes Vyasa's dictation without pause, underscores his association with wisdom and intellectual prowess.

Resides in the Hearts of Yogis (हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनां):

In yogic traditions, Ganesha is meditated upon as the deity who resides in the Muladhara Chakra, the root chakra, which is the foundation for spiritual energy in the body. Yogis meditate on Ganesha to ground themselves and seek his guidance for inner peace and stability.

Bestower of Eight Kinds of Wealth (अष्टभूतिम्):

The Ashtavinayak pilgrimage in Maharashtra involves visiting eight temples dedicated to Ganesha, each associated with different aspects of prosperity and well-being. This pilgrimage symbolizes Ganesha's role in bestowing varied forms of wealth and blessings.

Destroyer of Evil and Negative Forces (दुर्मदशोषिणि):

Ganesha’s encounter with the demon Vighnasura, who caused obstacles and disturbances, showcases his power to destroy evil and negative forces. By subduing Vighnasura, Ganesha earns the title 'Vighnaharta' or remover of obstacles.


Prayer to Lord Ganesha

O beloved Lord Ganesha, remover of obstacles and bestower of wisdom, I bow before you with a heart full of devotion. You, who hold the sweet modaka in your hand, bring joy and delight to all your devotees. Adorned with the crescent moon, you are a symbol of wisdom and divine nature.

O protector and leader of the Ganas, guide me in my journey and keep me safe from harm. Just as you defeated the demon Gajasura, help me overcome the challenges and fears in my life. You, who are terrifying to your enemies, fill me with courage and strength.

Lord Ganesha, compassionate and forgiving, teach me to be kind and merciful. When the moon laughed at your appearance, you forgave and modified your curse, showing your great heart. Help me learn from your example and show forgiveness to others.

During the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi, we decorate your idol with beautiful ornaments and offer you sweets. This festival reminds me of your importance in our lives and your loving presence.

In your battle with the demon army, you showcased your valor and protection. May I also be brave and stand up for what is right. You are invoked at the beginning of every venture for success and wisdom. Bless me with knowledge and guide me in my studies and endeavors.

You reside in the hearts of yogis and are the foundation of spiritual energy. Help me find peace and stability within myself. As the bestower of eight kinds of wealth, bless my family and me with prosperity and well-being.

O Lord Ganesha, destroyer of evil and negative forces, protect me from all harm. May your divine light always shine upon me and lead me on the path of righteousness.

Jai Ganesha!


Ramaswamy Sastry and Vighnesh Ghanapaathi

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