In a profound conversation between Shri Rama and Maharshi Vasishta in Yoga Vasishta, the great sage explains the difference between fate (Daiva) and human effort (Purusha). He firmly states that relying solely on fate is ignorance, and true success comes from one’s own actions and determination.
Maharshi Vasishta declares that fate has no real existence. It is merely a belief accepted by many, but it has no foundation in reality. People often blame fate for their failures, but this is a misconception.
Just as one might mistake a rope for a snake, people wrongly attribute their successes and failures to fate. In truth, outcomes are determined by one’s own actions. It is human effort that shapes destiny.
A person’s past wrong actions can be corrected through present right actions. Therefore, one should always strive and work hard rather than resign to fate. Maharshi Vasishta emphasizes that effort alone leads to progress.
If fate dictated everything, then human actions like eating, speaking, or moving would be unnecessary. Scriptures and teachings would have no purpose. But in reality, effort is essential for achieving anything.
Just as hands and mind are necessary for performing actions, fate alone cannot bring results. Even great scholars and wise people do not perceive fate as a separate force. Everything in life is a result of one’s own actions, even from past births.
Planets may indicate possible outcomes, but they do not determine results. Astrology serves as a guiding tool rather than a decisive force. The movements of celestial bodies can show tendencies and offer insights, but they do not override human will and effort. A person can alter his future through conscious actions, disciplined effort, and determination. While astrological readings might suggest favorable or unfavorable times, they do not bind an individual to a preordained fate. By making wise choices and persevering through challenges, one can shape their own destiny, regardless of planetary positions.
Sage Vishwamitra attained the status of a Brahmarshi through intense effort, not by fate. Even mighty gods like Indra have been defeated by determined Asuras who relied on their own strength and perseverance.
Maharshi Vasishta tells Shri Rama to reject the illusion of fate and depend on his own hard work, intelligence, and strength. True greatness comes from relentless effort and wise actions.
The key message from Maharshi Vasishta’s teachings is clear - self-effort is supreme, and fate is nothing but an illusion. We must take control of our lives through determined actions rather than relying on an imaginary force. Success belongs to those who work for it.
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