

Shastanga dandavata to all gurus and saints of vedadhara..shree Vishnu bless you always -User_se15pg

👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺🌼🌼🌼🌷🌷🌷 -User_sdxa4y

this website is a bridge to our present and futur generations toour glorious past...superly impressed -Geetha Raghavan

Good Spiritual Service -Rajaram.D

The future of Hinduism looks brighter thanks to Vedadhara's work 💯 -Mathangi

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What are the Vedic scriptures?

Vedic scriptures comprise of 1. Veda Samhitas 2. Brahmanas 3. Aranyakas 4. Upanishads.

Why Bhima is called Vrikodara

The intense digestive fire called Vrika is present in the stomach of Bhima. That's the reason for his huge appetite.


Which is the planet connected with Narasimhavatara ?
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