After losing his kingdom due to the influence of Kali in a game of dice, Nala, a prominent king in the Mahabharata, served as a charioteer under King Rituparna, who was skilled in the art of numbers and dice. Nala was known for his unparalleled skill in managing horses.
Nala,once was driving King Rituparna swiftly through forests and mountains. As they traveled, the king's upper garment fell. The king, noticing this, asked Nala to stop so he could retrieve it. Nala replied that they had already traveled a yojana away, making it impossible to go back. The king then spotted a Vibhitaka tree filled with fruits and leaves. He boasted about his skill, claiming he knew the number of leaves and fruits on the tree without counting.
The king said, 'The two branches of the tree have fifty million leaves and two thousand ninety-five fruits.' Nala, curious about the king's claim, decided to test his knowledge by cutting down the tree and counting. He said, 'I will cut the tree and count its leaves and fruits to verify your claim.' The king reluctantly agreed, and Nala chopped down the Vibhitaka tree. To his astonishment, the count was exactly as the king had claimed.
Nala, amazed, asked the king how he knew this. The king revealed he was skilled in dice and numbers due to the power of a Mantra called Aksha Hridaya. Nala proposed an exchange: the king would teach him the Aksha Hridaya Mantra, and Nala would share his knowledge of horses. The king agreed, and they exchanged their skills. As soon as Nala learned the secret, the evil spirit Kali, who had been residing in him and was responsible for his misfortunes came out of his body, vomiting poison.
Kali, frightened and seeking forgiveness, pleaded with Nala not to curse him. Kali promised that anyone who recited Nala's story would be free from his influence. Nala, moved by his plea, spared Kali. Kali then entered the Vibhitaka tree, which became infamous from that moment. Nala, filled with relief and joy, continued the journey with renewed vigor, driving the chariot swiftly towards Vidarbha. Freed from his afflictions, Nala felt a sense of liberation and strength. Kali returned to his abode, and Nala, now free from all troubles, regained his original form and peace.
With this newfound expertise, Nala challenged Pushkara to a rematch in dice. Confident in his newly acquired skills,Nala defeated Pushkara, thereby winning back his lost kingdom.
When you set out to go somewhere, if you happen to see an elephant or a bull or hear the sound of a horse or peacock, then your task will be successful.
Bala and Atibala Mantras - Sriram Ji will unfold their superpower
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