First ever gada yuddha between Bhima and Duryodhana took place during the test that was conducted at the end of the training of Pandavas and Kauravas. Bhima and Duryodhana collided with each other like two huge elephants. The spectators divided among themselves and started cheering Bhima and Duryodhana. The crowd was in rage and uncontrollable. Dronacharya found this kind of division among the people dangerous and stopped the fight in between.
Moksha according to Hinduism is relief from the cycle of births and deaths. A simple method to obtain moksha is to listen to Srimad Bhagavatam.
ॐ अत्रेरात्मप्रदानेन यो मुक्तो भगवान् ऋणात् । दत्तात्रेयं तमीशानं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये ॥ om atreraatmapradaanena yo mukto bhagavaan ri'naat . dattaatreyam' tameeshaanam' namaami ri'namuktaye ......
ॐ अत्रेरात्मप्रदानेन यो मुक्तो भगवान् ऋणात् ।
दत्तात्रेयं तमीशानं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये ॥
om atreraatmapradaanena yo mukto bhagavaan ri'naat .
dattaatreyam' tameeshaanam' namaami ri'namuktaye ..
Shiva Meditation For Knowledge
Shiva Meditation For Knowledge....
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That ever-righteous Pandu was so loving towards me and his son, Yudhisthira is, like Pandu, always righteous. ....
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suprabhaatastutim chainaam yah' pat'het pratyaham narah' | prabhaate labhate punyam bhuktim muktim manorathaan |....
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