In Mahabharata, Draupadi has been depicted as an incarnation of Shachi Devi.
There are seven kinds of Pitrus - Agnishvatta, Vairaja, Garhapatya, Somapa, Ekashringa, Chaturveda, and Kala. Someone who performs all the rituals mentioned in the Smritis such as aupasana, sthaleepka but does not perform the Shrauta Yajnas would attain the Loka of Agnishvatta Pitrus.
Shloka 20. Chapter 2
In the battlefield of life, find solace in the Bhagavad Gita. The soul's immortality brings peace and strength.....
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Dharma is intelligent, wise behavior. When dharma prescribed that you should not learn from a single Guru, Suta went to many. ....
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