Shumbha, the self-proclaimed supreme lord of the three worlds, sends his messenger Sugreeva to Devi with a diplomatic approach. Shumbha instructs Sugreeva to praise Devi, highlight his authority, and persuade her to join him willingly. Sugreeva carefully delivers the message, showcasing Shumbha’s power, wealth, and dominion over celestial treasures and beings. Shumbha offers Devi a choice between himself and Nishumbha, emphasizing their unmatched might. Through flattery, promises of wealth, and an assertion of dominance, Shumbha aims to win Devi over, setting the stage for a pivotal moment in the narrative.
Now, the 66th shloka of the 5th chapter of Durga Saptashati -
ऋषिरुवाच ।
इत्युक्ता सा तदा देवी गम्भीरान्तः स्मिता जगौ । दुर्गा भगवती भद्रा ययेदं धार्यते जगत् ॥
When Sugreeva conveyed Shumbha's message, Devi responded with a calm and profound smile, reflecting her supreme confidence and inner strength. She is addressed here as Durga, the auspicious and divine protector of the universe, emphasizing her role as the sustainer of all existence. Her serene demeanor and measured reply demonstrate her unwavering wisdom and authority, even in the face of arrogance and challenges. This moment highlights Devi’s divine power and sets the stage for the confrontation, showcasing her ability to uphold dharma and restore balance in the universe.
The 67th shloka -
देव्युवाच ।
सत्यमुक्तं त्वया नात्र मिथ्या किंचित्त्वयोदितम् । त्रैलोक्याधिपतिः शुम्भो निशुम्भश्चापि तादृशः ॥
Devi begins her response to Sugreeva with grace and fairness, acknowledging the truth in his words. She says that everything he has stated about Shumbha and Nishumbha’s might and supremacy is accurate, without any falsehood. This reflects her balanced nature, where she listens and responds with clarity and composure. By recognizing the truth, Devi maintains her dignity while subtly preparing to address the arrogance underlying Sugreeva’s message. Her measured reply sets the tone for the wisdom and strength she will display in the forthcoming events.
The 68th shloka -
किं त्वत्र यत्प्रतिज्ञातं मिथ्या तत्क्रियते कथम् । श्रूयतामल्पबुद्धित्वात्प्रतिज्ञा या कृता पुरा॥
Devi continues her reply by pointing out the sanctity of her prior commitment. She states that a promise once made cannot be falsified or altered, as it holds great significance. Referring to her earlier vow, she asks Sugreeva to listen carefully (calling him of poor intellect), acknowledging that it might appear insignificant to him. This shows Devi’s steadfastness in upholding dharma and truth, reinforcing her divine character and the importance of adhering to one's word.
The 69th shloka -
यो मां जयति संग्रामे यो मे दर्प व्यपोहति । यो मे प्रतिबलो लोके स मे भर्ता भविष्यति ॥
Devi firmly declares her conditions for marriage, asserting her independence and strength. She states that only the one who defeats her in battle, who dispels her pride, and who proves to be her equal in strength can become her consort. This condition reflects her valor and courage, emphasizing that she will not accept anyone who cannot match her power. By setting this challenge, Devi not only demonstrates her self-respect but also highlights the futility of Shumbha’s arrogance, as she will only yield to someone genuinely deserving and capable of standing as her equal.
The 70th shloka -
तदागच्छतु शुम्भोऽत्र निशुम्भो वा महासुरः । मां जित्वा किं चिरेऽणात्र पाणि गृह्णातु मे लघु॥
Devi challenges Shumbha and Nishumbha directly, inviting them to come and prove their worthiness. She says that either Shumbha or his brother Nishumbha, both powerful asuras, should come to her and defeat her in battle. Only after doing so can they claim her hand in marriage. By saying, 'What delay is there in coming here and winning my hand?' Devi implies that if Shumbha or Nishumbha are as powerful as they claim, they should accept her challenge without hesitation. This statement reflects her confidence in her own power and courage, refusing to submit to mere authority without a rightful trial of strength.
The 71st shloka -
दूत उवाच ।
अवलिप्तासि मैवं त्वं देवि ब्रूहि ममाग्रतः । त्रैलोक्ये कः पुमांस्तिष्ठेदग्रे शुम्भनिशुम्भयोः ॥
Sugreeva, the messenger, responds to Devi's bold challenge, expressing disbelief and frustration. He says, 'You are too proud, Devi! Do not speak in such a manner before me.' Sugreeva questions her confidence, implying that her defiance is misplaced. He then emphasizes the power of his masters, Shumbha and Nishumbha, by asking, 'Who among men in the three worlds could dare to stand against Shumbha and Nishumbha?' Through this statement, Sugreeva tries to assert the invincibility of Shumbha and Nishumbha, attempting to intimidate Devi and undermine her confidence by highlighting the supposed superiority of the asura brothers.
The 72nd shloka -
अन्येषामपि दैत्यनां सर्वे देवा न वै युधि। तिष्ठन्ति सम्मुखे देवि किं पुनः स्त्री त्वमेकिका ॥
Sugreeva continues to try to dissuade Devi, emphasizing the supposed invincibility of Shumbha and Nishumbha. He claims that even the gods cannot stand against the mighty daityas in battle. Sugreeva then adds, 'If even the gods cannot face them, how can you, a lone woman, hope to stand against such power?' By saying this, Sugreeva aims to undermine Devi’s confidence and make her question her own strength. His words carry a sense of disbelief and condescension, as he cannot comprehend how a single woman could challenge beings as powerful as Shumbha and Nishumbha.
The 73rd shloka -
इन्द्राद्याः सकला देवास्तस्थुर्येषां न संयुगे । शुम्भादीनां कथं तेषां स्त्री प्रयास्यसि संमुखम् ॥
Sugreeva continues his attempt to belittle Devi's challenge, referring to the power of Shumbha and Nishumbha. He points out that even the great gods, including Indra and others, could not stand against Shumbha and his forces in battle. He questions Devi, saying, 'How can you, a mere woman, even think of facing them in combat?' Sugreeva’s words reveal his disbelief at Devi’s courage, attempting to intimidate her by emphasizing the invincibility of his masters. This condescending tone shows his inability to understand Devi's true divine power and determination, underestimating her strength based on her appearance.
The 74th shloka -
सा त्वं गच्छ मयैवोक्ता पार्श्वं शुम्भनिशुम्भयोः । केशाकर्षणनिर्धूतगौरवा मागमिष्यसि॥
Sugreeva, growing frustrated with Devi's defiance, tells her to abandon her stance and go to Shumbha and Nishumbha willingly. He threatens that if she refuses, she will be dragged by her hair, losing her dignity in the process. This statement reflects Sugreeva's attempt to intimidate Devi into submission, using the threat of force and humiliation. It highlights his and Shumbha’s arrogant belief that they can overpower and control Devi, failing to understand her divinity and inner strength. The tone of the message changes from persuasion to outright coercion, revealing the asura's true nature.
The 75th shloka -
एवमेतत्बली शुम्भो निशुम्भश्रातिवीर्यवान् । किं करोमि प्रतिज्ञा मे यदनालोचिता पुरा ॥
Devi responds calmly but firmly to Sugreeva's threats. She agrees that Shumbha is indeed powerful, and Nishumbha is mighty in valor. However, she emphasizes that she cannot act against her own word. Devi says, 'What can I do? I have already made a vow without thinking of the consequences.' This statement reflects her unwavering commitment to her earlier promise that she will only marry one who can defeat her in battle. Devi’s response highlights her adherence to dharma and her refusal to compromise her principles, regardless of the power and threats posed by Shumbha and Nishumbha.
The 76th shloka -
स त्वं गच्छ मयैवोक्तं यदेत्सर्वमादृतः । तदाचक्ष्वासुरेन्द्राय स च युक्तं करोतु यत् ॥
Devi, maintaining her composure, instructs Sugreeva to convey her message back to Shumbha. She says, 'Go and faithfully deliver everything I have told you.' Devi implies that it is now up to Shumbha to decide what is appropriate. By doing so, Devi stands her ground, refusing to be intimidated or coerced into submission. She turns the situation back onto Shumbha, indicating that her stance is unchanging, and it is Shumbha who must now act accordingly. This demonstrates Devi’s unshakeable determination and her insistence on the importance of adhering to her own values and vows.
This is the last shloka of the 5th chapter of Durga Saptashati.
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