Special - Vijaya Prapti Homa 16, May, 2024

Homa for achieving success is being performed on 16-May-2024 with Veda Mantras.

This is a one time special Homa.


Please note -

  1. This is a Puja done with public participation and not exclusively for you.
  2. When you enroll, you are also making a part contribution towards the conduct of this Homa.
  3. This Homa is done towards the end of daily Homas.
  4. Videos of Pujas will be available for viewing Videos section once they are uploaded. Look for the video of your puja dat This is subject to technical factors.
  5. Sankalpa will not be shown in the video due to privacy concerns of the participants.
  6. Vibhuti prasada is sent by ordinary post within India.


You can pray for success in -


  • Career and Professional Life
  • Education and Personal Development
  • Financial Stability and Wealth
  • Health and Well-being
  • Relationships and Social Connections
  • Personal Achievements and Milestones
  • Creativity and Self-expression
  • Spirituality and Inner Fulfillment
  • Environmental and Social Responsibility
  • Continuous Growth and Learning


Say this prayer on the day of the Puja -


Oh [say the name of your favorite God/Goddess]


I come before you with humility and gratitude, seeking your guidance and blessings as I embark on my journey towards success. Grant me the strength and wisdom to navigate the challenges ahead, and the courage to seize every opportunity that comes my way.

In my career and professional life, may I find fulfillment and purpose in the work that I do. Help me to set ambitious goals and to pursue them with unwavering determination. Grant me the creativity to innovate, the resilience to overcome obstacles, and the humility to learn from both success and failure.

In my education and personal development, may I continue to grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Guide me towards knowledge that enriches my life and empowers me to make a positive impact in the world. Fill me with a thirst for learning and a curiosity that knows no bounds.

In matters of finance and material wealth, may I be blessed with abundance so that I may provide for myself and those I care about. Help me to manage my resources wisely, to cultivate generosity and compassion, and to use my wealth for the greater good.

In matters of health and well-being, may I honor and respect the vessel that is my body. Grant me the discipline to nourish myself with healthy food, exercise, and rest. Surround me with love and support, and grant me the strength to face any health challenges that may arise.

In matters of relationships and social connections, may I cultivate deep and meaningful connections with others. Help me to communicate with kindness and empathy, to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to cherish the bonds of friendship and family.

In all aspects of my life, may I be guided by integrity, compassion, and a sense of purpose. Help me to align my actions with my values, to live authentically, and to leave a positive legacy for future generations.

With your grace and guidance, I know that success in every aspect of my life is not only possible but inevitable.

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