Peace - Pray for peace in family / office by participating Aikyamatya Sukta Homa

Aikyamatya Sukta Homa is a Vedic prayer for peace, like-mindedness, and cordial relations both within the family and at the workplace.


We do this Homa every day.

You can select the frequency as you want.

  • Just once on a date of your choice
  • For a few consecutive days
  • Once a week on a day of your choice for a few weeks
  • Once a month on your nakshatra / any other day for a few months.


Suggested frequency

  • When facing serious issues - for 11 consecutive days
  • When facing lack of peace - Every Thursday for 6 months or one year
  • Overall well being - Once a month.


Why we suggest repeating the Puja


A Puja can either be conducted as a detailed ceremony once or as brief, repeated pujas over a period.

Repeating Vedic Pujas can be more effective than performing an elaborate puja just once, you can consider the following points:

  • Repetition Reinforces Intentions: Repetition helps reinforce your  intentions, creating a stronger spiritual connection over time. It can deepen your focus and commitment, amplifying the puja''s impact.
  • Building Spiritual Discipline: Repeated pujas contribute to the development of spiritual discipline, fostering a sense of dedication and devotion.
  • Incremental Accumulation of Positive Energy: Repeating pujas regularly can lead to a gradual accumulation of positive energy, creating a sustained and heightened spiritual atmosphere. The cumulative effect of repeated pujas can result in a more profound impact on the individual's l well-being.
  • Consistent Alignment with Cosmic Rhythms: Vedic pujas often align with cosmic rhythms, and regular practice ensures continuous alignment with these cosmic forces, enhancing the ritual's effectiveness. Repetition can synchronize your energy with the natural cycles, creating a harmonious resonance.
  • Strengthening Spiritual Resonance: Repeated pujas create a resonance within you fostering a harmonious connection with the spiritual realm. Regular engagement helps in attuning the individual to the subtle energies involved in the puja, leading to a more potent spiritual experience. 

Cultivating Patience and Perseverance: The discipline of repeated pujas fosters patience and perseverance, essential qualities for growth.

Why we suggest repeating the Puja


A Puja can either be conducted as a detailed ceremony once or as brief, repeated pujas over a period.

Repeating Vedic Pujas can be more effective than performing an elaborate puja just once, you can consider the following points:

  • Repetition Reinforces Intentions: Repetition helps reinforce your  intentions, creating a stronger spiritual connection over time. It can deepen your focus and commitment, amplifying the puja''s impact.
  • Building Spiritual Discipline: Repeated pujas contribute to the development of spiritual discipline, fostering a sense of dedication and devotion.
  • Incremental Accumulation of Positive Energy: Repeating pujas regularly can lead to a gradual accumulation of positive energy, creating a sustained and heightened spiritual atmosphere. The cumulative effect of repeated pujas can result in a more profound impact on the individual's l well-being.
  • Consistent Alignment with Cosmic Rhythms: Vedic pujas often align with cosmic rhythms, and regular practice ensures continuous alignment with these cosmic forces, enhancing the ritual's effectiveness. Repetition can synchronize your energy with the natural cycles, creating a harmonious resonance.
  • Strengthening Spiritual Resonance: Repeated pujas create a resonance within you fostering a harmonious connection with the spiritual realm. Regular engagement helps in attuning the individual to the subtle energies involved in the puja, leading to a more potent spiritual experience. 
  • Cultivating Patience and Perseverance: The discipline of repeated pujas fosters patience and perseverance, essential qualities for growth.


Please note -

  1. This is a Puja done with public participation and not exclusively for you.
  2. When you enroll, you are also making a part contribution towards the conduct of this Homa.
  3. All daily Homas are performed in a single session, one after another. Watch the video below to know how the daily Homa is performed.
  4. Videos of Pujas will be available for viewing Videos section once they are uploaded. Look for the video of your puja date under the Live or Videos tab. This is subject to technical factors.
  5. Sankalpa will not be shown in the video due to privacy concerns of the participants.
  6. Vibhuti prasada is sent by ordinary post within India.


Importance of this prayer - 


  • Peace: In a family setting, peace is essential for creating a harmonious atmosphere. It involves the absence of conflicts, arguments, and tension among family members. At work, a peaceful environment contributes to increased productivity and job satisfaction. When employees feel a sense of peace, they are better able to focus on their tasks, collaborate with colleagues, and contribute to a positive work culture.
  • Like-mindedness: Like-mindedness in a family context means sharing similar values, beliefs, and goals. When family members are on the same page regarding fundamental principles, it enhances understanding and reduces friction. In the workplace, like-mindedness can refer to alignment on the company's mission, vision, and core values. Employees who share a common purpose are more likely to work cohesively, support one another, and collectively strive towards organizational goals.
  • Cordial Relations: Cordial relations involve warmth, friendliness, and mutual respect among family members. Open communication and a positive atmosphere contribute to strong emotional bonds. In a professional setting, cordial relations between colleagues and between employees and supervisors create a conducive work environment. It fosters effective communication, teamwork, and a culture of collaboration, which is essential for success in any workplace.

Why are these aspects important?


  • Enhanced Communication: Peaceful and like-minded environments encourage open communication. In families, this facilitates understanding and empathy. At work, effective communication is vital for smooth operations and the exchange of ideas.
  • Increased Productivity: A harmonious environment, whether at home or in the workplace, contributes to increased productivity. When individuals feel supported and respected, they are more likely to put forth their best effort.
  • Improved Mental Well-being: Family members and employees experience greater mental well-being when surrounded by a positive atmosphere. Reduced stress and conflicts contribute to better mental health and overall life satisfaction.
  • Positive Impact on Relationships: In both family and work settings, positive relationships are the foundation for collaboration and success. Trust and mutual respect form the basis of strong relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

Say this prayer on the day of your puja -

Oh Deva,

We seek Your divine guidance and blessings. We acknowledge Your presence in our lives, recognizing that through Your grace, we can cultivate environments filled with peace, like-mindedness, and cordial relations.

We pray for peace to reign within our family. May the love that binds us be a source of strength, understanding, and harmony. Grant us the wisdom to navigate challenges with grace and patience, fostering an atmosphere where conflicts are resolved with love and compassion. Help us create a home where Your peace is felt in every interaction, bringing joy and unity to all family members.

We seek Your guidance in aligning our hearts and minds within our family. Grant us the ability to share common values, dreams, and aspirations. May our home be filled with a sense of purpose and unity, where each family member finds encouragement and support in the shared journey of life. Help us to appreciate our differences and celebrate our common goals, fostering a spirit of like-mindedness that strengthens the bonds of family.

May Your presence be felt in the workplace. We pray for cordial relations among colleagues and supervisors, that the spirit of kindness and respect permeates every interaction. Guide us to communicate effectively, to listen with open hearts, and to build relationships that reflect Your love and understanding. Bless our workplace with an atmosphere of cooperation and support.

We thank You for the countless benefits that flow from environments of peace, like-mindedness, and cordial relations. We acknowledge that in these atmospheres, productivity flourishes, mental well-being is nurtured, and relationships are deepened. As we seek these blessings, may Your grace be the foundation of our family and workplace, guiding us to be instruments of Your peace and love.

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