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I feel pleasure to hear this mantra -User_sputp8

Honored to be involved in Vedadhara's charitable activities -Kajal salian

Selfless service to humanity is true service to God and the highest form of worship. An endeavour in this direction by Vedhadhara!!! Kudos to all your efforts! 🪔🙏 -User_sfbsve

Good mantra, feeling its energy! ✨🙏 -Rushil

Truly grateful for your dedication to preserving our spiritual heritage😇 -Parul Gupta

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पुनस्त्वादित्या रुद्रा वसवः समिन्धतां पुनर्ब्रह्माणो वसुनीथ यज्ञैः ।
घृतेन त्वं तनुवो वर्धयस्व सत्याः सन्तु यजमानस्य कामाः॥

punastvaditya rudra vasavah samindhatam punarbrahmano vasunitha yajnyaih .
ghritena tvam tanuvo vardhayasva satyah santu yajamanasya kamah..

May the Adityas, Rudras, and Vasus kindle (Agni) again. May the Brahmanas lead (us) again with yajnas. With ghee, may you nourish the bodies. May the desires of the yajamana (performer) be fulfilled completely.

Listening to this mantra brings divine blessings and fulfillment of desires. It invokes the Adityas, Rudras, and Vasus to purify and energize the surroundings. The mantra promotes spiritual growth, strengthens positive energies, and enhances vitality. It encourages the fulfillment of righteous wishes and brings harmony to the listener. Regular chanting or listening helps align with divine forces, ensuring success and prosperity.

Knowledge Bank

What Swami Vivekananda said on bhakti?

The common man is obsessed with physical pleasures. If the same obsession is directed towards God, then it is called bhakti.

Who wrote the 18 Puranas?

The 18 prinicial Puranas also called the Mahapuranas were written by Sage Vyasa.


How many holy rivers are famous in India?

Other languages: HindiMalayalamTamilTeluguKannada

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