Knowledge Bank

Prevent Gossip, Cultivate Harmony

यदीच्छसि वशीकर्तुं जगदेकेन कर्मणा | परापवादसस्येभ्यो गां चरन्तीं निवारय || - If you wish to influence the world positively with one action, focus on preventing gossip and slander. Harmful speech spreads negativity and discord, like a cow grazing on fresh grass, ruining its beauty. By stopping such negative talk, you promote harmony and create a positive environment. Controlling speech leads to greater harmony and peace in the world.

Who came first, Rama or Krishna?

Rama came first. Avatara of Rama was in the 24th Treta Yuga. Avatara of Krishna was in the 28th Dwapara Yuga.


Where did Vyasa observe tapas for begetting a son ?

निकामे निकामे नः पर्जन्यो वर्षतु फलिन्यो न ओषधयः पच्यन्ताम्‌ योगक्षेमो नः कल्पताम् nikame nikame nah parjanyo varshatu phalinyo na oshadhayah pachyantam yogakshemo nah kalpatam....

निकामे निकामे नः पर्जन्यो वर्षतु फलिन्यो न ओषधयः पच्यन्ताम्‌ योगक्षेमो नः कल्पताम्

nikame nikame nah parjanyo varshatu phalinyo na oshadhayah pachyantam yogakshemo nah kalpatam

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