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Happy to see the wonderful work you are doing for veda pathashalas and goshalas . It's inspiration for all....🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Thanush Kumar

🌟 Vedadhara is enlightning us with the hiden gems of Hindu scriptures! 🙏📚 -Aditya Kumar

Beautiful and crisp and thought-provoking talk. Thanks Guruji.💐 -Gautam Mohan

Guruji's deep knowledge of Vedas is amazing. Thank you Guruji.🙏😇 -Vijay Pandey

Salute to your dedicated service -Shanmugam Ramalingam

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Knowledge Bank

What is your expectation in bhakti?

In bhakti, you don't expect any reward. You simply want to love Bhagavan and do not expect anything in return.

How many slokas are there in the longest version of the Mahabharata?

The longest version of Mahabharata has got 60 lacs of slokas in it. Out of these 30 lacs have been released only in Swargaloka, 15 lacs in Pituloka, and 14 lacs in Gandharvaloka. Only a lac of slokas has been released on earth. (Adi Parva.1.105-107)


In Ardhanariswra, which half of the body is Parvathy?

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