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Not only in India🇮🇳 Veddhara is also famous here in Nepal🇳🇵 -Prakash Thapa

Grateful for the positivity and growth I've experienced through Vedadhara. 🙏🏻 -Eshwar R

Thank you for spreading positivity in our life. The work you are doing to preserve humanity is admirable . -Priya

Thanks preserving and sharing our rich heritage! 👏🏽🌺 -Saurav Garg

Guruji's understanding of Hindu scriptures is profound and authorative 🙏 -Prabhas Sridhar

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Knowledge Bank

What is the current Kalpa?

The name of the current Kalpa is Shweta Varaha.

What was the original name of Thondaradipodi Azhwar?



With which gem did Arjuna's wife Ulupi revive when he was killed in battle ?

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