Honor women and remove customs that limit their freedom. If not, society will decline. Scriptures say women are earthly representatives of Shakti. The best men come from the best women. Justice for women leads to all justice. An old hymn says, 'Women are Devas, women are life itself.' By honoring and uplifting women, we ensure society's prosperity and justice.
The rule of Shirshaka in our Dharma Shastra punishes an accuser if the accused person is proved innocent in a trial. Then the accuser is considered wrong and is punished. This rule prevents people from making false accusations, as the accuser must declare beforehand that they will accept punishment if proven wrong. There are exceptions to this rule in the case of grave crimes, public scandals, etc.
Miracle Cure By Ganesha - Story From Ganesha Purana
Miracle Cure By Ganesha - Story From Ganesha Purana ....
Click here to know more..How Lakshmana Was Injured In The Battlefield
This discourse which is part of Hanuman series tells you about- 1. How Lakshmana was injured in the battlefield. 2. Who treated Lakshmana.....
Click here to know more..Shanmukha Bhujanga Stotram
bhujangaprayaatena vri'ttena klri'ptaam' stutim' shanmukhasyaadaraadye pat'hanti . suputraayuraarogyasampadvishisht'aan karotyeva taan shanmukhah' sad....
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