Shri Rama, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, went to the forest. King Dasharatha passed away due to grief over Shri Rama's separation. Guru Vasistha sent messengers to summon Bharata and Shatrughna from their maternal homes. Upon reaching Ayodhya, Bharata learned about his father's demise, Kaikeyi's boons, and Shri Rama's exile. Bharata fainted many times out of anguish. His sorrow was immense, but his duty awaited him.
With composure, Bharata performed the last rites of his father. He refused to accept the throne. Instead, he resolved to bring Shri Rama back. Bharata set out for Chitrakoot with ministers, citizens, and his mothers. They spent one night at Shringverpur and reached Bharadwaja's ashram the next day. Bharadwaja welcomed Bharata and his entourage warmly. Bharata then advanced toward Chitrakoot.
The noise of the army startled the forest animals. Lakshmana climbed a tree to observe the surroundings and saw Bharata's army approaching. Enraged, Lakshmana expressed his anger toward Bharata before Shri Rama. Shri Rama calmed Lakshmana, saying,
'Lakshmana, mighty and virtuous Bharata has come here himself. What is the need for weapons now? If I violate my father's words and fight Bharata for the kingdom, how much disgrace will I earn in the world? What will I do with a kingdom gained by killing my own brother?
A kingdom acquired by destroying one’s kin is like poison-laced food and must be rejected. I seek the kingdom not for myself but for the welfare of all my brothers and relatives. For this truth, I swear on my bow.
O Lakshmana, even if I can obtain the earth surrounded by the ocean, I do not desire it through unrighteous means. Not even the throne of Indra can tempt me into injustice.
O Noble Warrior! Bharata is deeply devoted to his brothers. He is dearer to me than my own life. I believe that upon reaching Ayodhya and hearing of my exile with Sita and you, Bharata must have been overcome with grief. Reflecting on family duties and guided by love, he has come to meet us. There can be no other reason for his arrival.
Perhaps, angry with Mother Kaikeyi and having consoled our father, Bharata has come to offer me the kingdom. His visit is most appropriate. Bharata is worthy of meeting us and could never think of harming us. Tell me, Lakshmana, when has Bharata ever behaved unpleasantly toward you? Why do you suspect him now?
Do not speak harshly or unpleasantly to him. If you do, consider it as though those words were directed at me. No matter the circumstances, how can a son harm his father? Or how can a brother kill another brother who is as dear as life itself?
If your concern for the kingdom leads to such thoughts, I will tell Bharata to give the kingdom to you. Lakshmana, if I say this to Bharata, he will surely agree and reply, 'So be it,' without hesitation.
Shri Rama's words highlight his unwavering love and trust in Bharat. He firmly believes in Bharat's noble intentions and instructs Lakshmana to treat Bharat with kindness and respect. This emphasizes Shri Rama's values of harmony, family devotion, and selflessness.
According to Prahlada, the nine forms of bhakti are - 1. Shravana - listening to Bhagawan's glory ( eg. Parikshit ) 2. Keertana - singing his glory ( eg. Shukadeva ) 3. Smarana - remembering him constantly ( eg. Prahlada ) 4. Padasevana - serving his lotus feet ( eg. Lakshmi ) 5. Archana - physical worship (eg. Prithu ) 6. Vandana - offering namaskaras ( eg. Akrura ) 7. Dasya - to consider yourself as Bhagawan's servant (eg. Hanuman ) 8. Sakhya - to consider him as your friend ( eg. Arjuna ) 9. Atmanivedana - complete surrender to Bhagawan ( eg. King Bali ).
In Nagara-style Hindu temple architecture, the amalaka is a ridged stone disk placed atop the temple's main tower. It holds deep symbolic significance, with interpretations linking it to a lotus, representing the sacred seat of the deity below, or to the sun, symbolizing the gateway to the heavens. The amalaka is further crowned with a kalasha (finial), often adorned with a temple banner, enhancing its spiritual and architectural prominence.
Lakshmi Mantra for Wealth Growth
bhooyaadbhooyo dvipadmaa'bhayavaradakaraa taptakaartasvaraabhaa shubhraa'bhraabhebhayugmadvayakaradhri'takumbhaadbhiraasichyamaanaa . ratnaughaabadd....
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Ashtalakshmi Stuti
vishnoh' patneem komalaam kaam manojnyaam padmaaksheem taam muktidaanapradhaanaam. shaantyaabhooshaam pankajasthaam suramyaam sri'sht'yaadyantaamaadil....
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