Both Lakshmi Devi and Kubera are deities of wealth. While Lakshmi Devi provides wealth, Kubera protects wealth that is already there.
The term 'Aniketa' refers to a person who does not have a fixed abode or attachment to any particular place or thing. It describes someone who is free from the rigid mindset of 'This alone must be done by me.' Such a person lives with a sense of detachment, accepting both pleasure and pain as they come, without being overly influenced by them. His heart is fully immersed in the Supreme Lord, and because of this deep connection with the divine, he easily attains the ultimate liberation or parama kaivalya, which is the state of absolute freedom and union with the Supreme. In summary, an 'Aniketa' is someone who is detached, flexible, and unwavering in their devotion to God, leading him to ultimate spiritual freedom.