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Fabulous! -Vivek Rathour

Your mantras bring peace in my hectic day. Truly grateful. 💖 -Avaneesh Gautam

This is a truly amazing mantra..thank you! 😊 -Chandra

This mantra is fantastic! 🌟🙏 -Ayushi Patil

Happy to see the wonderful work you are doing for veda pathashalas and goshalas . It's inspiration for all....🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Thanush Kumar

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Knowledge Bank

Ajita Keshakambali

Ajita Keshakambali was an ancient Indian philosopher and the reputed founder of a materialist philosophical school. A contemporary of the Buddha, Ajita's philosophy, as recorded in Buddhist texts, emphasized materialism. He believed that humans are made of four elements, which disperse after death, leading to the cessation of individual existence. Rejecting the notion of an afterlife, Ajita encouraged people to enjoy life, accept both good and bad, and dismiss religious rituals as futile. His teachings mark the beginning of a long tradition of materialist thought in Indian philosophy, continuing until at least the eighth century CE.

What was the significance of the Cancer ascendant in Lord Rama's horoscope?

The Cancer ascendant in Lord Rama's horoscope signifies emotional depth, compassion, and strong family ties, all of which were prominent in his life and actions.


Which of the following books is not connected to Vedanta?

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