Shakuntala’s story was originally written by Sage Vyasa and it is part of the Mahabharata. Mahakavi Kalidasa using his imagination and creativity, expanded it into the world famous Abhijnana-Shakuntalam.
After he divided the Veda into four parts, Sage Vyasa had given the charge of Atharva Veda to his disciple Sumantu. Adhyapayana was Sumantu's disciple. He further divided Atharva Veda into two; gave one part to Utatthya and the other to Vedadarshana.
Understanding and Balancing Needs: Insights from Harishchandra's Story
King Harishchandra’s tale teaches us to balance different needs - basic, emotional, and aspirational - for a fulfilling and resilient life.....
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? From Bhagavad Gita to Basketball: How Ancient Wisdom Fuels Modern Triumphs! ??....
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munaya oochuh' - umaayaa bhuvaneshaanyaassoota sarvaarthavittama . avataaram' samaachakshva yato jaataa sarasvatee ......
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