Guru Nanak. Many scholars consider him as a Bhakti Saint. Guru Granth Sahib gives suggestions about how a Sikh can constantly practice bhkati. Sikhism professes nirguni bhakti.
1. Sameepya - being constantly near Bhagawan. 2. Salokya - always being in Bhagawan's Loka. 3. Saroopya - having the same appearance as Bhagawan. 4. Sarshti - having the powers of Bhagawan. 5. Sayujya - merging with Bhagawan
ॐ क्लीम्। भरताग्रज राम। क्लीं स्वाहा। om kleem. bharataagraja raama. kleem svaahaa.....
ॐ क्लीम्। भरताग्रज राम। क्लीं स्वाहा।
om kleem. bharataagraja raama. kleem svaahaa.
When a Mukta reaches Brahmaloka, there is a conversation that takes place between him and Brahma
The Timepass Of Time
This audio tells you about how destruction is the timepass of Time, Kala as told by Lord Rama in Yoga Vasishta.....
Click here to know more..Harinama Ashtaka Stotram
naaradaveenojjeevanasudhorminiryaasamaadhureepoora . tvam' kri'shnanaama kaamam' sphura me rasane rasena sadaa ......
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