Very greatful for the service Vedadhara is doing. Each day is special. -Mala
This is just wow........................................................ -Harinarayanan Narasimhan
I'm grateful to vedadhara... 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I'm being immense pleasure to br the part of this chanel -Pradeep
Let the divine noble spritual thoughts be on us Hari hi om -Poreddy jagannath am ravendranath
Your teachings on Hindu scriptures are clear and authoritative -Adrija
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Who was Bhishma in previous birth?
Bhishma was the incarnation of Dyou, one of the eight Vasus (Ashta Vasus). They were all born on earth due to a curse from Sage Vasishta. Their mother, Ganga drowned seven of them soon after birth to give them relief from the curse. Bhishma lived on.