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Learning a lot from Vedadhara. Selfless service.🙏 -Rakesh Soni

Every pagr isa revelation..thanks -H Purandare

This website has a separate vibe❤️🔥🙏😌 -Garvitha Reddy

Amazing efforts by you all in making our scriptures and knowledge accessible to all! -Sulochana Tr

Highly excellent religious platform with devoted service -Shanmugam26077

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Knowledge Bank

Ashwini Nakshatra Mesha Rasi

Ashwini Nakshatra is the first star of Mesha rasi.Its span is from 0 degrees to 13 degrees 20 minutes. In Modern Astronomy Ashwini corresponds to stars β and γ Arietis.

Who gave birth to Brahma?

Brahma came from Parabrahma, the one and only supreme reality. At the time of creation, Brahma appeared on a lotus coming out of the navel of Mahavishnu.


What is called Varuna snana ?

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