The cosmic egg represents the manifest but undivided state of the universe. All the beings, objects, forces, thoughts, emotions, etc. come out of the cosmic egg. This happens after it assumes the three-fold nature of Satwa, Rajas, and Tamas.
In all rituals, the wife should be on the right side of the husband except: 1. While abhisheka/sprinkling of teertha is being performed on self. 2. When washing the feet of brahmins. 3. While receiving blessings from brahmins. 4. When sindoora is being offered. 5. When shanti rituals are being performed 6. When pratishta of a temple is being done. 7. When udyapana of a vrata is being done. 8. While leaving for marital home after marriage. 9. When coming to the parental home for the first time after marriage. 10. While having food. 11. On the bed.
Chandamama - July - 2001
Who Would Have Recorded Vishnu Sahasranama?
But as Bhismacharya went on saying these names, all were just listening with eyes closed. Nobody was writing them down or even memorizing them.....
Click here to know more..Girisha Stuti
shivasharvamapaara- kri'paajaladhim shrutigamyamumaadayitam muditam. sukhadam cha dharaadharamaadibhavam bhaja re girisham bhaja re girisham. jananaay....
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