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Excellent -Sundaram

This mantra is so powerful. I can feel its energy 🔥 -Priyaank

❤️ this website❤️❤️ -Prema Menon

Divine voice. Thank you🙏 -Mamta Kulkarni

Impressive! 😲🌟👏 -Anjali Iyer

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Knowledge Bank

What is the meaning of hypocrisy?

It is called hypocrisy when someone pretends to have more knowledge or moral standards than he actually has. It is the holier-than-thou attitude.

What is the relationship between Chyavana Maharshi and Shaunaka Maharshi?

Chyavana Maharshi was Shaunaka Maharshi's predecessor in Bhrigu Vamsha. Chyavana's grandson was Ruru. Shaunaka was Ruru's grandson.


How does Srimad Bhagawatam stand apart from the other Puranas ?

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