This is from the fourth Sarga of the Mumukshu Vyavahara Prakarana of Yoga Vasishta.

There is nothing in the world that cannot be achieved through continuous effort. Failure occurs only where persistent effort is lacking. By following the prescribed physical, verbal, and mental actions that lead to purification of the mind, knowledge naturally arises, and the state of Jivanmukti (liberation while alive) emerges in the heart, free from imperfections like anger and lust, like the peaceful rise of the moon.

Therefore, one must rely solely on own effort. This message encourages unwavering dedication to spiritual practice, as persistent effort can lead to the highest states of liberation and happiness.

What if fate doesn’t support attainment of liberation?

Sage Vasishta addresses the doubt that arises when people observe that, despite persistent effort, success seems unattainable due to unfavorable fate (or destiny). This leads some to believe that hoping for results through human effort alone is unrealistic and futile.

To counter this, the sage refutes the idea of fate (or destiny) having any real power over human effort. He declares that destiny is ultimately included within the scope of human action and does not exist as something separate or stronger than human effort.

Consider traveling to another place or satisfying hunger through eating, where the direct and visible effects of effort can be observed. In all these actions, the results are clearly seen to be the outcome of effort, not fate. No one has directly seen fate, and in truth, it does not exist. It is simply a baseless imagination created by ignorant and deluded people.

Thus, the idea that fate obstructs human effort is dismissed as false, and the emphasis is placed on the power and effectiveness of effort in achieving results.

What is the nature of effort?

Effort should be made in alignment with the teachings of wise, learned sages and the scriptures. This effort can be mental, verbal, or physical. When effort is made according to these prescribed methods, it is successful and leads to the desired outcome. Any effort that deviates from these teachings, however, is considered the action of a deluded person, like someone acting in madness.

When a person desires something, he also strives to achieve it. If people do not give up halfway, they will gradually obtain what they seek. The key to success is perseverance and consistent effort, without abandoning the goal. This highlights the importance of determined and correct effort in achieving one's desires.

Why are there obstacles in achieving spiritual goals?

Interruptions in achieving goals occur only when one abandons the proper sequence or the scriptural method of performing actions. The key message is that following the complete and correct process ensures the attainment of desired results.

Two types of effort

There are two types of effort - effort from previous lives and effort in the current life. The effort made in the present life can overcome or even nullify the effects of the effort from past lives. This underscores the power of present actions, suggesting that diligent effort in this life can swiftly counteract or surpass the influence of past karma.

The power of present effort

The question arises: How can minimal effort in this life overcome the countless karmas accumulated over millions of kalpas?

The answer is given by illustrating the power of consistent and determined effort. A person who continuously strives, with strong practice and equipped with wisdom and enthusiasm, can attain the position of the highest gods who control even the pralaya. Such a person can metaphorically devour the great Meru mountain, symbolizing immense obstacles, and reduce it to dust. So, overcoming past efforts or karmas is not even a question, as present efforts hold immense power.

The essence of this teaching is that although the past karmas may be infinite, their root is singular. By destroying the root cause, one can easily gain victory over all past karmas. The effort governed by the guidance of scriptures is the one that ensures success. This kind of constant, correct effort leads to the desired outcome.

On the other hand, effort that goes against the principles of the scriptures results in disaster. Therefore, only effort that aligns with scriptural guidance brings about the destruction of the root of past karmas and leads to the achievement of spiritual goals.

A doubt may arise: how can those who are weak, or of limited intelligence achieve the same level of effort as the strong and wise?

The answer is that even those with limited resources can achieve great things through consistent effort according to their capacity. Whether in this life or in future lives, they can obtain success through their perseverance.

No person remains in good or bad circumstances forever. 


  1. Effort is Supreme: Continuous and persistent effort can achieve anything, even liberation. Failure comes only when effort is lacking.
  2. Destiny is Powerless: Fate or destiny does not hinder human effort. Success depends entirely on one's actions, not on external forces like fate.
  3. Correct and Consistent Effort: Following the scriptural methods and teachings ensures success. Any effort made outside these teachings leads to failure, but with the right guidance, effort overcomes even past karma.


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Heartfelt thnks for making scriptures simple and acurate with your teachings -Samyukta Hari

Hari Om Very Crisp commentary Thanks -User_sdiavm

Namaskara guruji All your references and teachings are so helpful and give us the right path I am making an effort to follow the right path you are helping us immensely 🙏🙏🙏 -Shaila Ramakrishnan

Very happy to note the good work you are doing for veda pathasalas and goshalas 🥳 -Uma Mahadevan

Very good -Rama krishna

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