वीर्याणि तस्याखिलदेहभाजामन्तर्बहिः पुरुषकालरूपैः। प्रयच्छतो मृत्युमुतामृतं च मायामनुष्यस्य वदस्व विद्वन्॥
Bhagavan is both Kala and Purusha.
He gives both death and immortality.
He succumbs people to Maya and also liberates them from Maya, giving wisdom.
He is both inside and outside.
As Purusha, he is the cosmic person. As Kala (time), he controls creation. Think of time’s flow, sunrise to sunset. Krishna guides it all.
As Purusha, he represents the cosmic person, and as Kala (time), he regulates creation, preservation, and destruction.
Krishna gives life and death. He controls life’s cycle. Reflect on changing seasons. Life blooms and fades. Krishna's power over life is evident.
Krishna is everywhere, inside and outside. Every star and soul reflects Krishna’s presence. We must see the divine in everything.
He controls you from inside as Antaryami, and as Vishwaroopa, he is everywhere outside.
To bind you to Maya and make you take births again and again or to liberate you—that's entirely up to him.
Many see Krishna as human. At the time when Bhagavan was physically present on earth, not very long ago, just 5,000 years ago, many thought he was human. This was due to Maya (illusion). We must look deeper. Beyond appearances, Krishna is divine.
Wisdom is key to understanding Krishna. Knowledge reveals Krishna’s true nature. Like a lamp in darkness, wisdom shows the way.
Krishna’s deeds offer spiritual lessons. He rescues and guides. His avataras come with specific purposes. Each story teaches divine guidance.
We should recount Krishna's valorous deeds (Veerya), illustrating that divine actions (Lilas) have profound significance, and they offer spiritual lessons to us.
Life is interconnected. Krishna is in every being. Picture a vast web of life. Each strand is connected, part of Krishna’s presence.
Sharing Krishna’s deeds benefits all. His stories uplift and enrich us. We grow together in understanding.
You should talk about his greatness to others. Recognizing and recounting the divine deeds is beneficial not only for the listener but also for the speaker, highlighting the mutual upliftment in spiritual discourse.
Krishna grants liberation or binds us. Trust in his plan brings peace. Surrender reduces anxiety.
Trust in Krishna brings peace. His teachings help us face challenges.
Stay devoted. Fulfill your duties.
Accept challenges with grace. Stay connected to Krishna. Focus on your duties.
The universe, both stable and moving, is created and functions through three divine powers: knowledge, action, and desire. The power of desire (Iccha Shakti) is ever-present, guiding the process of creation. The power of knowledge (Jnana Shakti) understands the nature of creation and provides the cause and tools for it. The power of action (Kriya Shakti) manifests the universe according to the plan shaped by desire and knowledge. Together, these powers bring the entire universe into existence, based on a clear and deliberate will.
Shiva Purana recommends applying bhasma on the forehead, both hands, chest, and navel.
कठोपनिषद - भाग ४६
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