Vishwamitra was taking young Sri Ramji and Lakshmana to protect his yaga from demons. On the way, Sri Ramji killed the demoness Thataka.

In appreciation of his valor, after receiving the divine weapons from Sage Vishwamitra, Sri Ramji, Lakshmana, and the sage resumed their journey.

While walking, Sri Ramji said, 'Sage, thanks to you, I now know how to use these weapons. Even the gods can’t defeat me now.'

Then Sri Ramji asked, 'Sage, what is that place near the mountain with all the trees? I really want to know. Whose ashram is it?'

'That’s the place where the demons disturb and kill the Tapaswis, right? I want to know everything about this place, where I will have to fight them.'

Sage Vishwamitra answered, 'This ashrama belonged to Vamana. He did penance here for many years. That’s why it is called Siddhashrama.'

'I am also devoted to Lord Vamana, so I use this place too. Demons come here to cause me trouble, but you will defeat them.'

The sage took Sri Ramji and Lakshmana by the hands and led them into the ashrama. The sages (disciples of Vishwamitra) there were happy to see Vishwamitra and worshiped him. They welcomed Sri Ramji and Lakshmana as well.

Vishwamitra was greatly relieved and confident now that Sri Ramji was with him. Vishwamitra had been facing trouble from the demons who would disturb his yaga, and despite his immense power, he could not do anything because, under the vow for the yaga, he could not resort to aggression. With Sri Ramji's arrival, especially after Ram had demonstrated his strength by killing Thataka, Vishwamitra’s confidence grew.

After resting, Sri Ramji and Lakshmana woke up early in the morning, did their prayers, and bowed to the sage.

They asked Vishwamitra, 'Sage, please start the yaga today.'

Vishwamitra began the yaga with full control and focus.

Then they asked, 'When will we have to protect the yaga from the demons?' The other sages were happy and said, 'Vishwamitra has started the yaga and will remain silent. You two must protect it for six nights.'

Sri Ramji and Lakshmana carefully guarded the ashrama and didn’t sleep for six nights. On the sixth day, Sri Ramji told Lakshmana, 'Stay alert and be ready.'

Just then, the fire in the homa kunda lit up, and the chanting of mantras began. Suddenly, a loud noise came from the sky. The demons Maricha and Subahu were rushing toward the yaga vedi. They started raining blood everywhere.

Sri Ramji quickly got up and said to Lakshmana, 'Look, the demons are here. I will drive them away.' Sri Ramji aimed his bow at Maricha and shot him far away into the sea. Then he hit Subahu, killing him instantly. Sri Ramji used his arrows to defeat the rest of the demons who had accompanied Maricha and Subahu.

After defeating the demons, Sri Ramji made the sages very happy. They praised him. After the yaga was done, Vishwamitra said, 'Sri Ramji, you have made me proud and fulfilled my wishes.'

Then, they all did their evening prayers together.





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I love the analysis part at the end.👍 -Thirumala Rao

Thank you for revitalizing the great Ramayana🌹 -Uma Shankar

Excellent explanation with a divine voice -K S Suresh

Selfless service to humanity is true service to God and the highest form of worship. An endeavour in this direction by Vedhadhara!!! Kudos to all your efforts! 🪔🙏 -User_sfbsve

🌟 Vedadhara is enlightning us with the hiden gems of Hindu scriptures! 🙏📚 -Aditya Kumar

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