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Love this! Practical tips for raising kids with good values. 👍 -Padmanabhaiah

So glad I read this! 😊 Practical steps to make our homes more positive. -Remy

Gratitude, for helping us understand our shastra in a simple tone yet not losing out on the essence 🙏 -Meera Narayanan

So unique Website. -Smita

The simplicity and corectness of Vedadhara's scriptural teachings is praiseworthy 🌸 -Mamata Krishnan

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Knowledge Bank

Did Balarama take part in the battle of Kurukshetra?

No. Instead, he went on a pilgrimage.

Mixing Gangajal and water

If you want to mix Gangajal and normal water, add Gangajal to normal water, not vice versa.


What color of cloth is Peethambara ?

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