King Prithu ruled the earth well. Due to his righteous rule, the earth prospered. Cows gave milk. The happy sages performed a great sacrifice. At the end of the sacrifice, two groups called 'Sutas' and 'Magadhas' emerged. The sages instructed them to sing the praises of Prithu. But they asked, 'Prithu is very young. He has just started ruling. He has not yet done any great deeds. How can we praise him?'
The sages granted them the power to see the future. Immediately, the Sutas and Magadhas sang the future glories of Prithu. These songs spread in all directions. Meanwhile, some people came to Prithu from a distant land. They said, 'O King! Your fame is spreading everywhere. But we are suffering. Nothing grows on earth. Due to lack of fertility, cows do not give milk. What should we do?'
Hearing this, Prithu became very angry. He took his bow and set out to split the earth. The earth, frightened, took the form of a cow and ran. She roamed everywhere but found no place to hide. Finally, she stood before Prithu and pleaded, 'O King! Killing me, a female, will bring you no benefit. Only sin will remain. Instead, make the earth even. Push the mountains aside. Agriculture on flat land will bring you the needed wealth.'
Prithu listened to her. He pushed the mountains aside and made the land flat. Agriculture flourished. The earth prospered. The name 'Prithvi' for the earth comes from King Prithu, who made the land suitable for living beings.
Hayagriva is the god of of knowledge, learning, and wisdom.
Afganisthan was originally Ahiganasthan (Ahi-Gana-Sthan). Ahi in Sansrit means snake. Gana means Republic.
Pancha Rudram Of Rigveda
kadrudraaya prachetase meel'husht'amaaya tavyase . vochema shantamam hri'de . yathaa no aditih' karatpashve nri'bhyo yathaa gave . yathaa tokaaya r....
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This mantra talks about three strata where the forefathers reside: Bhumi, Chandraloka, and Suryaloka. The forefathers are not just three individuals.....
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om shivapriyaayai namah' . om shivaaraadhyaayai namah' . om shivesht'aayai namah' . om shivakomalaayai namah' .....
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