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It was a great experience visiting your website.🤩💯 -Appu Boobesh

Remarkable! 👏 -Prateeksha Singh

very detailed explanation sir, thank you 🙏❤️💯 -Sandesh

Proud do be Bharatiya and also Hindu. Good going Veddhara🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Vallabh Khetan

Thank you for spreading positivity in our life. The work you are doing to preserve humanity is admirable . -Priya

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विद्याधीश गुणाधीश वरप्रद जयप्रद​।
हे सद्गुरो नमस्तेऽस्तु ज्ञानाब्धिं सम्प्रदेहि मे॥

vidyadhisha gunadhisha varaprada jayaprada​.
he sadguro namastestu jnyanabdhim sampradehi me..

Knowledge Bank

Where did Lord Venkateswra get married?

Lord Venkateswra got married at Narayanavanam which is at a distance of 38 km from Tirupati. This used to be the capital of Akasaraju, father of Padmavathy Devi.

What is the meaning of the name Agastya?

Agastya means - one who froze the mountain's growth. Vindhya mountain started growing to block the path of the Sun. Sage Agastya crossed Vindhya from the north towards the south and made the mountain promise not to grow until he returned. अगं विन्ध्यं स्त्यायति इत्यगस्त्यः ।


Manah - Budhi - Ahamkara - Chitta. What are these four collectively called ?

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