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Guruji has a knack to explain such complex topics in such a simple way.❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Aruna Sambasivan

My eight year old son is speaking about the difference between jeevatma and paramatma after hearing one of guruji's lectures. He explains everything so easily.😌😇 -Medha

We have spent hours in our Vedanta class trying to find out its meaning. This is made so clear in less than 5 mins... Thanks Guruji🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 -User_sdvv60

Wonderfully simple explanation💐 -Natasha

Vedanata explained using Bahubali...amazing🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 -Pratham Bhatia

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Knowledge Bank

How to cope with the loss of a loved one?

Coping with the loss of a loved one can be profoundly challenging. The wisdom from Bhagavad Gita, specifically verse 2.13, offers a comforting perspective. It teaches that the soul is eternal and transitions from one body to another, much like moving from childhood to youth to old age. Understanding this can provide solace, suggesting that while the physical presence is lost, the soul's journey continues.

What is special about the lizards at Devuni Kadapa temple?

There are impressions of two lizards on the roof of the mukha mandapa of Ammavari shrine. Sins will be washed off if you touch those lizards.


Which apsara disturbed the tapasya of Vishwamitra ?

We often hear the term Sachidananda. Do you know what Sachidananda is? It's not very complicated. I will explain it to you. Sachidananda is made up of three terms: sat - chit - ananda. When the Bahubali movie was released, we all became very curious. So the first question is: Does a movie called Bahubali exist? The answer can be yes or no. If the answer is yes, then it means it has got satta or existence. This is Sat. Does a three-headed monkey exist? No. It doesn't have satta. This is Sat in Sachidananda. Now the second part: A friend told y....

We often hear the term Sachidananda. Do you know what Sachidananda is? It's not very complicated. I will explain it to you. Sachidananda is made up of three terms: sat - chit - ananda.

When the Bahubali movie was released, we all became very curious.

So the first question is: Does a movie called Bahubali exist? The answer can be yes or no. If the answer is yes, then it means it has got satta or existence. This is Sat. Does a three-headed monkey exist? No. It doesn't have satta. This is Sat in Sachidananda.

Now the second part:
A friend told you that a beautiful movie has been released, Bahubali. A newspaper ad informed you that a movie called Bahubali has been released. This is knowledge about the movie called Bahubali. This is knowledge about Bahubali - this is chit. Chit is knowledge or awareness. It is knowledge about the existence of Bahubali. Chit is knowledge about whatever has got satta. Something may exist, but you may not know about it. There are so many people who don't know that there is a movie called Bahubali. They lack the chit, knowledge or awareness, about this particular movie. They don't even know that it exists. Chit is the understanding or awareness of the existence of something, just about its existence or more in detail.

A lemon is sour. A lemon exists, and its sourness as a property also exists. Now you have knowledge about the existence of a lemon and its property called sourness.

Now the third part:
The moment you heard that there is a great movie called Bahubali, you became curious. You want to watch it. You have become eager to watch it. When you actually watch the movie, this thirst is quenched. This is ananda. Ananda is fulfillment. Until the time you watch Bahubali, there is a void inside you. When you watch the movie, the void is filled, fulfilled.

When you have self-realization, your curiosity about, and your thirst for, the absolute, the supreme, is quenched. This is paramananda. The ananda of watching Bahubali is a small ananda. Paramananda is the ultimate fulfillment when all your voids, all your shortcomings, all your curiosities, and all your desires are fulfilled. This happens only when you attain divinity.

The knowledge of everything is Parama jnana. The knowledge just about Bahubali is just some small jnana.

The existence of Bahubali is a small existence. The existence of the multitude of universes is the whole existence.

That's why it is said:
सत्ता चिदानन्द इति त्रिसत्यं सत्तैव विश्वं नु चिदेव विश्वम्।
विश्वं तथाऽऽनन्द इतो न किञ्चित् परं त्रयं चैतदभिन्नरूपम्।।

The universe is made up of these three. The universe is composed of these three aspects, and they are inseparable from each other.

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