Knowledge Bank

Which are the ashtangas of yoga?

1.Yama - abstinence from worldly distractions 2.Niyama - observance of spiritual rules 3.Asana - the practice of postures for physical fitness 4.Pranayama - attaining mind control through regulation of breathing 5.Pratyahara - withdrawing the senses from external objects 6.Dharana - concentration 7.Dhyana - meditation 8.Samadhi - keeping the mind still.

Benefit of darshan of Sri Yantra

सम्यक् शतं क्रतून्कृत्वा यत्फलं समवाप्नुयात्। तत्फलं समवाप्नोति कृत्वा श्रीचक्रदर्शनम् ।। - By performing hundreds of yajnas correctly, one gradually reaps their rewards. However, simply having the darshan (vision) of the Shri Chakra grants the same results instantly.


Which is the birth place of Thiruvalluvar?

ॐ क्ष्रौं प्रौं ह्रौं रौं ब्रौं ज्रौं ज्रीं ह्रीं नृसिंहाय नमः । om kshraum' praum' hraum' raum' braum' jraum' jreem' hreem' nri'sim'haaya namah' .....

ॐ क्ष्रौं प्रौं ह्रौं रौं ब्रौं ज्रौं ज्रीं ह्रीं नृसिंहाय नमः ।

om kshraum' praum' hraum' raum' braum' jraum' jreem' hreem' nri'sim'haaya namah' .

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