1.Yama - abstinence from worldly distractions 2.Niyama - observance of spiritual rules 3.Asana - the practice of postures for physical fitness 4.Pranayama - attaining mind control through regulation of breathing 5.Pratyahara - withdrawing the senses from external objects 6.Dharana - concentration 7.Dhyana - meditation 8.Samadhi - keeping the mind still.
सम्यक् शतं क्रतून्कृत्वा यत्फलं समवाप्नुयात्। तत्फलं समवाप्नोति कृत्वा श्रीचक्रदर्शनम् ।। - By performing hundreds of yajnas correctly, one gradually reaps their rewards. However, simply having the darshan (vision) of the Shri Chakra grants the same results instantly.
ॐ क्ष्रौं प्रौं ह्रौं रौं ब्रौं ज्रौं ज्रीं ह्रीं नृसिंहाय नमः । om kshraum' praum' hraum' raum' braum' jraum' jreem' hreem' nri'sim'haaya namah' .....
ॐ क्ष्रौं प्रौं ह्रौं रौं ब्रौं ज्रौं ज्रीं ह्रीं नृसिंहाय नमः ।
om kshraum' praum' hraum' raum' braum' jraum' jreem' hreem' nri'sim'haaya namah' .
Janamejaya Has To Neutralize The Curse Upon Him
This discourse which is part of Mahabharata series tells you about how Janamejaya got a purohit to neutralize the curse upon him by Sarama.....
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Achyutananda Dasa- his spiritual development and philosophy....
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श्रीत्रैलोक्यविजया अपराजितास्तोत्रम् । ॐ नमोऽपराजिता�....
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