Mairavana, also known as Ahiravana, is a demon king and sorcerer in some Ramayana versions, particularly prominent in later adaptations. As an ally of Ravana, he kidnaps Rama and Lakshmana to offer them as sacrifices in his netherworld realm. Hanuman undertakes a daring mission to rescue them, ultimately defeating Mairavana by extinguishing his five life lamps simultaneously. This episode highlights the themes of devotion and good triumphing over evil.
Sage Parashara once conducted a yaga called Rakshasa Satra. Thousands of Rakshasas were pulled into the fire and sacrificed during this yaga.
ॐ क्ष्रौं प्रौं ह्रौं रौं ब्रौं ज्रौं नमो नृसिंहाय om kshraum' praum' hraum' raum' braum' jraum' namo nri'sim'haaya....
ॐ क्ष्रौं प्रौं ह्रौं रौं ब्रौं ज्रौं नमो नृसिंहाय
om kshraum' praum' hraum' raum' braum' jraum' namo nri'sim'haaya
The message of the shloka Gajananam bhootaganadi sevitam
Arundhati the role model for all women- Part two
Balambika Stotram
velaatilanghyakarune vibudhendravandye leelaavinirmita- charaacharahri'nnivaase. maalaakireet'a- manikund'ala mand'itaange baalaambike mayi nidhehi kr....
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