Yoga Vasistha has 1,146 verses in the Vairagya prakarana, 807 in the Mumukshu vyavahara prakarana, 6,304 verses in the Utpatti prakarana, 2,414 verses in the Sthiti prakarana, 4,322 in the Upashama prakarana, and 14,296 verses in the Nirvana prakarana adding up to a total of 29,289 verses.
As per Vedic Astronomy, there are 27 constellations in the zodiac. Each constellation has got 4 quarters. 24 X 7 = 108. If you repeat a mantra 108 times, it covers the entire zodiac and gives immense benefits.
ௐ ஜூம்ʼ ஸ꞉ ஶிவாய ஹும்ʼ ப²ட்....
ௐ ஜூம்ʼ ஸ꞉ ஶிவாய ஹும்ʼ ப²ட்
Who among these three would be the eligible groom?
Achieve Success and Protection with Balatripurasundari's Powerful Mantra
Empower your life with the divine vibrations of Balatripurasundari. Listen daily to this mantra for success, inner peace, and material prosperity. ....
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sujane matito vilopite nikhile gautamashaapatomaraih'. kamalaasanapoorvakaisstato matido mestu sa baadaraayanah'.....
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