When you set out to go somewhere, if you happen to see an elephant or a bull or hear the sound of a horse or peacock, then your task will be successful.
Prishni was Aditi in her previous birth. Her husband was a Prajapati called Sutapas. They did tapas for twelve thousand years to propitiate Lord Vishnu and wanted the Lord to take birth as their son. Bhagavan took birth as their son three times. As Prishnigarbha, son of Prishni and Sutapas. As Vamana, son of Aditi and Kashyapa. And as Krishna, son of Devaki and Vasudeva.
The Sacred Quest of King Indradyumna and Jagannath Dham
Explore Jagannath Dham's sacred legacy, where King Indradyumna's faith and devotion open the door to divine enlightenment.....
Click here to know more..How Chanting Stotras While Cooking Can Improve Your Family's Well-Being
Discover the benefits of chanting stotras while cooking for your family. This ancient practice can improve your family's well-being and bring peace to....
Click here to know more..Ayyappa Suprabhatam
samitasakalakaavashambhusoonuh' shabareegirishatavaastu suprabhaatam.....
Click here to know more..