Bhima defeated Jarasandha under the guidance of Krishna. Bhima, Arjuna, and Krishna visited Jarasandha's capital in disguise. They challenged Jarasandha to wrestle and Jarasandha agreed to fight with Bhima. Even after 14 days, Jarasandha could not be defeated. Then Krishna signaled to Bhima that he should tear Jarasandha's body vertically into two and throw them in opposite directions. That was the only way to kill Jarasandha.
Ganesh Ji has got two wives, Siddhi and Buddhi. They stand for success and intelligence. In another representation in iconology of Ganesha, he can be seen with a single wife sitting on his lap. In that form, he is called Vallabha-Sahita Ganapathy. Her name is Lakshmi.
Balanced Giving: Chanakya's Wisdom in Modern Context
About Moral Education in Sanatana Dharma
Narasimha Ashtottara Shatanamavali
om shreenaarasimhaaya namah'. om mahaasimhaaya namah'. om divyasimhaaya namah'. om mahaabalaaya namah'. om ugrasimhaaya namah'. om mahaadevaaya namah'....
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