Adhyatma Ramayanam Kilippattu in Malayalam was written by Tunchattu Ramanujan Ezhuttachhan.
Ban Ganga is a river that Vaishno Devi created by shooting an arrow on the ground. Pilgrims take bath in this river and purify themselves.
Bhasma or vibhuti. Let us see what Shiva Purana says about bhasma or vibhuti, the holy ash. There are 3 types of bhasma - Lokagni-janit, Vedagni-janit, and Shivagni-janit. What is lokagni? Lokagni is ordinary fire. Ordinary fire that comes by burning firewood, not the one that comes out of burning petroleum based fuels or chemicals. Good fire which is pure, like from the kitchen in villages where they still use firewood for cooking. The bhasma from this fire can be used for purifying. For purifying vessels, clothes, grains, anything.....
Bhasma or vibhuti.
Let us see what Shiva Purana says about bhasma or vibhuti, the holy ash.
There are 3 types of bhasma - Lokagni-janit, Vedagni-janit, and Shivagni-janit.
What is lokagni?
Lokagni is ordinary fire.
Ordinary fire that comes by burning firewood, not the one that comes out of burning petroleum based fuels or chemicals.
Good fire which is pure, like from the kitchen in villages where they still use firewood for cooking.
The bhasma from this fire can be used for purifying.
For purifying vessels, clothes, grains, anything.
Depending on the material you either sprinkle it dry or mix it with water and sprinkle it.
Any bhasma made from ordinary fire can be used only for this purpose, not for applying on the body.
The second is Vedagni - sacred fire.
Bhasma from a Homa kunda after a homa is performed can be applied on the body.
It has a very specific purpose.
When you apply Vedagni-janita bhasma on your body it will transfer the benefits of that particular homa to you.
Then, which is the bhasma for daily wear?
Shivagni-janita bhasma.
What is Shivagni?
Light firewood from Bilwa tree and keep on chanting Aghora Rudra mantra while it is burning.
This is called Shivagni.
Bhasma from this is Shivagni-janita bhasma.
There is another method.
Burn sacred wood such as palasha, shami, vata in dried cowdung flakes or dried cowdung balls.
This is also Shivagni, of course, you should chant Aghora Rudra mantra throughout.
This is the bhasma that should be used for regular day-to-day wear.
A devotee of Shiva should have bhasma on his body throughout.
If you are going to do puja, then you should definitely mix bhasma with water and apply.
On other occasions, such as for purifying yourself, you can apply bhasma even without mixing water.
In the next episode, we will discuss some more principles associated with bhasma.
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