Several places are considered to be locations of Agastya ashrama: Akole, Maharashtra; Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh; Agastyamuni village, Uttarakhand; Satpura range, Madhya Pradesh; Agasthiyar koodam, Kerala-Tamil Nadu border.
A wealthy man with two wives decided to renounce worldly pleasures for a life of meditation in the forest. He divided his property equally between them. One wife wondered why he would abandon his luxurious life for the hardships of the forest, believing he must be seeking something greater. She asked to join him in the forest. The man gave his fortune to his other wife and took her along with him. Making the right decision at the right time yields greater benefits.
The Concept of Kundalini and the Awakening of Shakti
The Concept of Kundalini and the Awakening of Shakti....
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Mahalakshmi Ashtottara Shatanamavali
om ambikaayai namah' . om siddheshvaryai namah' . om chaturaashramavaanyai namah' . om braahmanyai namah' . om kshatriyaayai namah' .....
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