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That was very knowledgeable. Namaskarams -Venugopal

Because of your hardwork, Sanatan Dharma is progresing 🌟 -Ramya Shivan

Thank you so much for bringing the eternal knowledge of sanatan dharma to us -Sanj

Grateful for the positivity and growth I've experienced through Vedadhara. 🙏🏻 -Eshwar R

Namaskaram. The onle and only website can give this type of information. Thanks to vedadhara. From vedadhara one can understant what are things are not to do. -User_si58n2

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Knowledge Bank

Ancient name of Afganisthan

Afganisthan was originally Ahiganasthan (Ahi-Gana-Sthan). Ahi in Sansrit means snake. Gana means Republic.

Under these conditions, Sutak (impurity due to death or birth) doesn't apply

If these ceremonies have already started, then they need not be stopped if news of impurity comes - Upanayana, yajna, wedding, shraadha, havan, puja, japa. But if news comes before starting, then should not start.


Where was Lord Krishna born?

In the Vairagya Prakarana of Yoga Vasishta, Sri Ramji is explaining to Sage Vishwamitra why he is disillusioned with the world. We completely misunderstand the material world. Everything in the material world is made up of the pancha bhutas, in varying proportions. A wise man when he looks at the world would see only the pancha bhutas. He wouldn't see something as beautiful and something else as ugly. He wouldn't see something as valuable and something else as worthless. He wouldn't respect something and disrespect something else. If tha....

In the Vairagya Prakarana of Yoga Vasishta, Sri Ramji is explaining to Sage Vishwamitra why he is disillusioned with the world.

We completely misunderstand the material world.
Everything in the material world is made up of the pancha bhutas, in varying proportions.
A wise man when he looks at the world would see only the pancha bhutas.
He wouldn't see something as beautiful and something else as ugly.
He wouldn't see something as valuable and something else as worthless.
He wouldn't respect something and disrespect something else.
If that is the case, then how do you deal with the world?
With this kind of attitude is it possible to have any kind of practical interaction with the world?
A hot object will still burn you.
A snake can still bite to kill.
Even the wise men would get scared if they see a lion coming towards them.
But then, these things happen in dreams also.
Does it mean that the objects and incidents in dreams are real?
Relinquishing attachment to the material world, can we not do this some time later, when you are retired, free from responsibilities?
It is never going to happen.
By that time, you will be so addicted to the world, like a drug addict, like an alcoholic, like a smoker, you would not even think or you would have forgotten that something other than this illusory world is even there.
Your brain will be so hard wired by then.
Today's man is like a tree growing in a deep pit.
Its fruits, flowers or even shade are not of use.
In his entire lifetime, a man who is attached to the material world would use his intelligence, knowledge, effort, money, and everything else only to pamper himself.
You may see people who are helpful, who are generous, but it still doesn't mean that they are wise.
Sri Ramji says, God is lifeless.
No one with life can be so merciless as to unleash so much misery producing ignorance in the world.
For what purpose?
There is not a single act in the world which does not produce misery either immediately or eventually.

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