Adhyatma Ramayanam Kilippattu in Malayalam was written by Tunchattu Ramanujan Ezhuttachhan.
Angada was the son of Vanara King Bali, who loved him deeply. Angada was wise, strong like his father, and a devoted follower of Lord Shri Rama. Bali was killed by Shri Rama for the offense of abducting Sugriva's wife and unjustly claiming the throne. At the time of his death, Bali recognized Shri Rama as God and entrusted his son Angada to His service. Shri Rama honored Bali's last wish, accepted Angada, and made him the crown prince of Kishkindha. Angada later led the Vanara army in the search for Sita.
Kartaviryarjuna Blessed with Thousand Hands
Creation of Earth
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 3
arjuna uvaacha - jyaayasee chetkarmanaste mataa buddhirjanaardana . tatkim' karmani ghore maam' niyojayasi keshava ......
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